After first month of school, kindergartners tell all

Published 2:54 am Saturday, September 3, 2016


They have been in school for nearly a month, and the kindergarten students at Andalusia Elementary School have enjoyed their learning experience.

“It’s been a lot of fun,” Camryn Smith said. “My favorite part has been learning and playing in the playroom.”

Jackson Grimes smiles big in his classroom.

Jackson Grimes smiles big in his classroom.

The playroom at AES is something that all of the students said they enjoyed.

“I love going and to the playroom,” Jackson Grimes said. “P.E. is my favorite part of the day. We play and exercise, and sometimes we go outside.”

Grimes said the he wasn’t nervous at all when he started kindergarten.

“Kindergarten is fun,” Grimes said. “I wasn’t scared to start school at all. It’s fun playing, coloring and dancing and singing at the end of the day.”

Beau Bennett said his favorite part of school has been the playroom.

“The playroom is so much fun,” Bennett said. “I like it when we get to go in there.”

Playtime is a popular time with all of the new kindergarten students.

“My favorite part is going to play in the playroom or playing outside,” Rylee Wingard said. “We play tag and tigers and lots of fun games.”

Wingard also said that she has enjoyed all of the learning and singing also.

“We have learned letters and math,” Wingard said. “One day we are going to sing the song on the computer on stage. My favorite thing to learn is singing songs. I like to sing a lot at my house and sometimes at school.”

Learning the letters of the alphabet is something that Smith said she enjoyed.

“It’s fun to learn the letters,” Smith said. “We just learned the letter ‘R’ and we colored it and decorated it with raisins.”

Adelyn Craig has also enjoyed learning the alphabet.

“Kindergarten has been fun,” Craig said. “I enjoy working and learning in the classroom. We have fun ways to learn our ABCs. Playing hide-and-seek at playtime is one of my favorite things to do during the day.”

Learning to read has been something that Craig said she has enjoyed the most.

“Reading is a fun,” Craig said. “My favorite book is the ‘Gingerbread Man’, and he came to see us at school. It was funny when he came to school.”

Outside of school, Craig said she loves to go watch Andalusia High School football games with her mommy, daddy and little sister.

“I like to cheer for the Bulldogs,” Craig said. “My daddy takes us to the games and my cousins come, too.”

The kindergartners have a color code they use each day that lets the kids see how they have behaved. It doesn’t show just bad behavior, but also showcases the kids who have been eager to learn.

“I’ve been on the blue three times this year,” Stella Wells said. “Blue means you have had an awesome day. It’s the highest you can get.”

Wells said that she has enjoyed learning numbers and letters, but snack time is her favorite.

“My favorite part of the day is movie time and snack time,” Wells said. “Oh, I forgot to say lunch. That’s my favorite too.”