Published 1:22 am Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Lane and Steven Prevett get the equipment ready to start working on floats Monday night at the Kiwanis Center for Andalusia High School’s homecoming week.
It’s homecoming week for Andalusia High School, and students and their parents are busy building floats.

AHS seniors Heather Hamm, Brittany Williamson, Janikqua Lane, Courtney Bulger, Faith Brundidge, Elizabeth Cravey, Zareyah Hines and Kendrick Brown work on decorations for the senior class homecoming float at the Kiwanis Center on Monday night.

AHS students Kat Finley and Catherine Weed have some fun while preparing decorations for their homecoming float Monday night at the Kiwanis Center.

Stedman- Stedman Glenn marks his measurements as he prepares to start working on his class’s float for Andalusia’s Homecoming.