Opp Council to award depot bids in December

Published 3:18 am Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The Opp City Council is eyeing several projects that the previous administration didn’t get to before its tenure ended.

Opp Mayor Becky Bracke said that they were currently awaiting the architect’s plans for repairing the library.

City Planner Jason Bryan said that the plan is to advertise for bids in December.

“We should begin putting on the roof in February,” he said.

Opp Public Library Director Courtney Smart said they are looking forward to having the roof repaired.

“Right now, our programs are on hold due to the state of the roof over our room,” she said. “We will be glad to be able to have our programs once again. We are thankful to the city for working to fix our roof and we look forward to working with the new mayor and council.”

Bryan also said that the new bids from the depot project must be submitted by Nov. 29.

“We will award in December,” he said.

The depot project has been at least nine years in the making. The previous administration rejected a bid of more than $800,000 from Wyatt Sasser Construction in August, in a 3-2 vote.

The previous council unanimously agreed in September to allow Bryan to once again advertise for bids.