Opp passes $9.6M budget

Published 1:58 am Thursday, December 8, 2016

The City of Opp passed a $9.6 million budget for the fiscal year 2017, which began in October.

Last year, the city council approved a $9.63 million budget but only received revenues of $7.95 million. The $1.7 million shortfall in expected revenue for last year included $1.3 million in revenue from bond funds and a $374,100 sidewalk grant, both of which show a $0 in the actual numbers; and a $400,000 difference in the amount expected in an item dubbed “Douglas Avenue grant,” and the actual amount received.

Property taxes were $46,135 less than projected, but the city’s 3-cent sales tax was $158,540 higher than expected.

For the current fiscal year, the city is expected to spend $8.7 million.

That includes:

  • $478,745 for administrative department expenses, which includes the mayor and council and city clerk and assistant salaries.
  • $89,935 for city hall public buildings;
  • $1.77 million for the police department, which is up from last year’s $1.69 million. Increases include a higher salary line item of $1.07 million, up from $1.045 million, and $90,515 in capital outlay expenses. Capital outlay includes vehicle, lights, radar, computer, spikes, camera, three vests, taser and an air conditioner for the Emergency Operations Center.
  • $355,865 for the fire department, which is down from last year’s $361,850. Budgeted for salaries is $200,335 and $40,500 is budgeted for capital outlay to include 12 air cylinders, extraction tools and HVAC at the Emergency Operations Center.
  • $1.06 million for the street department, which is down from last year’s $1.28 million. Salaries are increased to $515,490 over $500,475 from last year’s actual budget. Capital Outlay includes $22,000 for a fan and bush hog.
  • $201,835 for the sanitation department, and includes $45,540 for salaries and $16,500 in capital outlay for 300 garbage cans.
  • Judicial department expenses are $146,365.
  • Shop department expenses are $86,040.
  • Library expenses are $323,035, which includes $191,500 in capital outlay funds for the roof.
  • Parks and Recreation is budgeted for $672,780, which includes $147,000 for a new mower, cage, irrigation and lighting.
  • Senior citizens department expenses include $168,060.
  • Rodeo expenses are budgeted at $198,050.
  • Educational department expenses are $857,115.

Opp Long term notes include:

  • Principal payment on a 2014 Mercedes garbage truck at $38,700;
  • Principal on a fire truck at $52,315.
  • Principal on bond issue at $75,905.
  • Principal Bancorp Knuckleboom, $82,100.
  • Principal on a tractor, $13,570.
  • Principal on a John Deere backhoe, $15,655.
  • Principal on the 2015 bond issue, $15,750.
  • Industrial development bond issue, $80,055.
  • Principal on garbage truck 2015, $38,095.

Interest charges for those are estimated at $383,850, while the principal is $412,145.

Contributions approved are for $138,650.