AHS celebrates good behavior

Published 9:05 pm Wednesday, December 21, 2016

“Something big is coming! Is your name in the bucket?” This question was asked during announcements for a few weeks prior to the big day, and that Thursday morning in November, Bulldogs at Andalusia High and Junior High were fired up! Football play-off pep rally day? Well, yes; but more!

Dr. Daniel Shakespeare

Dr. Daniel Shakespeare

Students and faculty gathered in the auditorium to celebrate success! As they poured in, music was bouncing through the venue adding to the light mood of the morning. On the stage was a display of around 60 prizes to be given to deserving students. Dr. Shakespeare opened the assembly pacing the aisles, waving his arms, clapping his hands, and praising students for living up to the standards of the Bulldog Code: being respectful, responsible, safe and of service, and a learner!

“This morning is about YOU! We are going to celebrate your successes and reward as many of you as we can today,” he said. “We appreciate what you do, so those of you who have not had office referrals, have worked hard in your classes, and have simply lived by the Bulldog Code day in and day out have your names in this bucket. Many of your names will be in here numerous times for just doing the right thing.”

Teachers lined up at the front of the auditorium and took turns drawing names from the bucket as students took turns scooting down the aisles to claim their gifts. Between announcements, current music boomed as students bounced in their seats, sang, and celebrated. Among the prizes given out were fast food gift cards, iTunes gift cards, Madden and NBA X-Box games, a dvd player, Alabama and Auburn products, Bulldog products, cash prizes, headphones, and even a drone. Anticipation was in the air as students waited to hear their names.

“This is something we look forward to doing for our students a couple of times each year. We strive to be intentional about our Positive Behavior Support and this sort of initiative adds to the Safe and Civil Foundations program that we are implementing at our school. It is important to emphasize a culture of positivity and to reinforce desirable behavior. We do that on a daily basis in small ways, but this program is a bigger way to call attention to the great kids and their efforts here at our school.”

Dr. Shakespeare couldn’t let the morning slip by without recognizing the volleyball team for winning the area championship and being top 8 in the state play-offs. He also praised the football players for advancing into the play-offs and band members for earning top scores at competition.

“There is certainly much to celebrate at our school and we are proud. That’s why we’re Bulldogs.”