A TIME FOR GIVING: Trailer raffle raises $9,100 for cancer patients

Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 22, 2016

Two children fighting cancer in the Straughn community received some $4,000 each to help their families, thanks to two local trailer companies.

Kevin Crawford\

Kevin Crawford\

Late last month, the Star-News reported that Clark Trailer and Ireland Trailer supplied materials for Justin Clark of Clark Trailer to build a trailer.

Since Clark’s sister, Mandi Clark Morris, who is the guidance counselor at Straughn Elementary School, was selling bracelets to help fourth grader Kevin Crawford, who is battling leukemia, he wanted to do his part.

So, he built a 6×10 utility trailer, and they sold tickets for $5 each and the drawing was held this week. Jerry Varner won the trailer.

They raised $9,100, Morris said, and the money was split between Crawford and 3-year-old Kellen Findley, who is battling embryonal rhabdaomysocarcoma.

Kellen Finley photo

Kellen Finley

Morris said they were thankful for all who helped them be able to give to these families.