Canary: Andalusia Chamber ‘gold standard’ in state

Published 2:06 am Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Business Council of Alabama President Billy Canary spoke at Tuesday night’s Chamber of Commerce banquet, telling those gathered that they have a gold standard chamber of commerce.

“You have the gold standard of chambers in our state, led by Chrissie (Duffy) and Maggie (Jones),” he said. “I get to visit many of the 124 chambers (in the state of Alabama) and I will tell you, you should be proud to be a part of the gold standard.”

He also spoke highly of former Speaker of the House Seth Hammett, current Rep. Mike Jones and current Sen. Jimmy Holley, praising them for their service.

Canary also heralded business members as a group of heroes because they are men and women willing to give of themselves and help better the lives of someone else.

“People don’t care how much you know until they understand how much you care,” he said.

Canary spoke of numbers he said “pop” in his head every morning.

He said 124 chambers of commerce exist in Alabama that hold the same potential Andalusia does.

The BCA represents some 740,000 employees of member businesses, he said.

Canary said there are things that industry wants to see when coming to a city – education opportunities, infrastructure, work ethic and strong health care.

“The principles you see here tonight – vision, commitment to a mission, willingness to take risks, willingness to take responsibility, and listening and persistence,” he siad.

He said those characteristics are in Andalusia.