Teachers say thanks for help in Montgomery

Published 12:34 am Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Dear Editor:

We are writing because we feel it is important for local voters to know when state officials act in ways that support us and impact us directly.

We teach the same subject in different schools in our county. In August of 2016, we made plans to take all 130 of our fourth grade Alabama history students to the State Capitol, First White House, Alabama Department of Archives and History, and the Governor’s Mansion on Thurs., Jan. 26, 2017. It was a busy and tight schedule for that number of students, but we wanted to make it all happen for them. One week before our trip, the Governor’s Mansion called and said they must cancel our reservations due to a state inventory/audit. We expressed our dismay that such would happen at this late date when our reservations were made in August.

It just so happened that we were at an event at the Archives that weekend and State Auditor Jim Zeigler was there, also. With just a mention of our situation and our disappointment, he offered to check on the issue. He investigated, emailed us that the audit was not scheduled for Thursday but for the next Monday, and called the Governor’s Mansion himself to resolve the matter. Within a few minutes, the Governor’s Mansion called to let us know that our tour reservations would be honored.

We find it heartening to know that Mr. Zeigler, although a busy and important state official, took the time to personally attend to our matter. We have individually thanked Mr. Zeigler on behalf of ourselves and our 130 students but thought it also fitting to thank him publicly for his support of our county’s students.

Sincerely grateful,

Tammie Evans and Brandi Evans