PHS seniors taking steps for college

Published 12:00 am Friday, February 17, 2017

Making decisions about life after high school took on a whole new dimension for five Pleasant Home School seniors during a recent discussion at LBW Community College in Andalusia.

Garrett Barton, Dylan Bradley, Parker Lloyd, Hunter Ward and Zachary Payne have a better understanding of the true cost of attending college by comparing tuition and fees at a community college with that a four-year institution.

“These students are seeing first-hand how much they can benefit from dual enrollment and one year at LBW rather than starting their college career at a four-year institution,” said Heather Owen, LBWCC director of recruitment.

“We realize that some students have their minds made up to go straight to a four-year institution to experience the college life, so we mapped out a plan that would allow these students to transfer with up to 55 credit hours in just four consecutive semesters, saving them at least $20,000 compared to the cost of a transfer university.”

Barton, Bradley and Lloyd plan to pursue engineering degrees, Ward plans to major in aerospace engineering, and Zachary Payne will pursue a degree in computer science.

The meeting at LBW was beneficial in helping the students understand course offerings, transfer opportunities, and the cost associated with college.

“I learned that the courses I take at LBW will transfer to Auburn and that I can save money this way,” said Barton.

LBWCC’s tuition rate is less than half of the rate at four-year institutions, said Owen.

“If they follow the statewide STARS articulation guide for the four-year institution they plan to attend, their courses will be accepted once they transfer,” she said.

“It will take a lot of commitment, but I know I can do it if I put my mind to it,” said Bradley about the schedule of courses he could take in four semesters.

“My original plan was to go to a four-year school,” said Lloyd. “Now, I’ve changed that and I’m definitely going to go to LBW first.”

Ward said he always wanted to fly airplanes, but now realizes that, due to his eyesight and body size, that dream needed to change.

“I looked into design and building airplanes and decided that’s what I could do,” he said.  Having seen class sizes at a four-year institution, he said he knows “smaller classes at LBW would be beneficial.”

Payne also appreciates the opportunity of smaller classes for prerequisite classes he might take at LBW toward a computer science degree and being able to save money.

“Of course, each student’s situation is different based on the institution where they will transfer, program opportunities, and academic credentials,” said Owen. “We welcome the opportunity and invite any current high school student interested in an academic transfer program of study to visit with us and let us help them discover their own plan of action.”

For more information about LBWCC’s academic transfer programs or career technical training, contact Owen at or call 334-881-2282.