Remember when: Looking back to ‘30

Published 12:58 am Saturday, February 25, 2017

     “Grab your coat and get your hat; Leave your worry on the doorstep. Just direct your feet, To the sunny side of the street! Can’t you hear a pitter-pat? And that happy tune is your step. Life can be so sweet, On the sunny side of the street…”

This 1930 song, “The Sunny Side of the Street,” a jazz standard, was introduced in a Broadway musical, played and sung by such greats as Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Fats Waller, and later by Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Jo Stafford, Doris Day, and the best known arrangement in 1945 by Tommy Dorsey.

     1930 must have been a “banner year” for the city of Andalusia which had had about 30 years since 1899 when the trains came to town. Transportation was the key which brought much progress to the area through shipments into and away from town helping to transform a village into a town. A Progress Edition was printed by The Andalusia Star, the September 30, 1930 edition, Oscar M. Duggar, editor. Here are some interesting and sometimes even amusing excerpts that portray the way of life in Covington County just after the Flood of 1929 and at the beginning of the depression years.

ANNOUNCING NEW BUICK FOR 1930 – On display at our showrooms. Saturday July 27, 1929. Studstill-Mathews Motor Co. East Three Notch Street.

Building Boom Forecast for Year of 1930 – What value do you place on your family’s health? Hot Water is not a luxury. It is a present day necessity! Let us relieve your worries by the installation of the new improved Westinghouse water heater. Andalusia Light and Power Co.

Special Farmers’ Dinner Served Daily at the City Café during the cotton season. South Cotton Street.

     Funeral Director and Embalmer, A. B. Patrick – Phones Day 253 and Night 237.

February 1930 Bars Voted Down in Covington County – County Committeemen Vote 12 to 6.

March 1930Mayor J. F. Carson issues proclamation on Spring “Clean-Up Week.” You will be considered an outcast if you don’t clean up! (Did you ever wonder where Carson Street got its name? There you go!)

     Man Killed When Wagon Hit By Auto – Driver claims wagon had no light! (Duh!)

  1. G. Dunn Elected President of Covington Stores, Inc.

     Cattle Owners – Don’t sell your FAT CATTLE until you see me. C. J. Searcy Packing House Market.

  1. S. Waits – Woco-Pep Station. “Through Service We Grow” Washing. Greasing. Accessories.

The Taylor Shop – Gents Furnishings. Cleaning. Pressing, Dyeing.

The Fashion Shoppe – All Hats, $2.95; One Lot of Dresses, $9.95. South Three Notch Street.

     The Five Dollar Limit (Andalusia’s Only 5 cents and 10 cents Store) Next to J. W. Shreve & Sons. “Just a Little Bit of Everything for Just a Little Bit Less” – Salt & Peppers, 10 cents; Girls’ Bloomers, 25 cents; Velour Powder Puffs, 10 cents; Fancy Shelf Paper, 15 cents; Snug Fitting Flapper Model Rayon Striped Brassieres, 19 cents. (Oh, my!)

Blue Bird Bread for Health and Happiness – Made by the Andalusia Baking Co. South Cotton Street.

BILLIOUSNESS – Thousands of men and women find Black Draught of great help in relieving the common ailments due to constipation, biliousness, and indigestion. Costs only 1 cent a dose!

ANNUAL GOSPEL SINGING AT HARMONY – (“When the roll is called up yonder,” you should be there!)

April 1930STRAUGHN SCHOOL, the pride of the little community burned to the ground last night about twelve o’clock. The origin of the fire is not known. Plans underway for rebuilding the school. To be built on the same site. Insured for $17,000.

In the next week’s edition – Farmers with wagons and trucks assisted in rebuilding Straughn School by hauling materials.

May 1930Andalusia Business Houses to Close Each Thursday Afternoon. Siren to sound each Thursday at 12 o’clock to signal close. This tradition in the South allows employees to have recreation.

June 1930County Club plans expansion. Members contemplate building a club house.

Annual Sacred Harp Singing to be held at Rawls.(Fa, Sol, La!)

     June 1930Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Chapman have built a beautiful home, English cottage style, located among the pines and water oaks on East Three Notch Court. Dr. Chapman came to Andalusia in 1920 after he served in the medical corps of the U. S. Army during World War I.

Fire Threatens the Entire Little City of Red Level – The estimated loss is about $10,000. Partially covered by insurance.

BETTER VISION is one of the most essential factors in a happy and successful life. “The Newest Styles in Glasses at this Store.” P. Lewis, Optometrist, Public Square.

     July 1930 – VACATION TIRE SALE – Now is the time to make ready for that summer trip. Look at these prices and see what you save! Brawner Motor & Repair Co. Phone 169.

September 1930T. E. Henderson, local banker, came to Andalusia on the first passenger train on the Central of Georgia Railroad in 1899. He organized the Benson-Henderson (Hardware) Co. in the first brick (commercial) building erected in the city. In 1907 he removed from the company and bought an interest in the First National Bank which had been organized in 1901 and became president of the bank. He served as mayor of this city for five terms. During the term he was mayor, the city operated the only whiskey dispensary in this section and made $12,000. in profits which was invested into the first sanitary sewerage system. During his time of mayor, the first high school building (Church Street School) was built (1923) and some streets were paved…”

     FOR THAT INACTIVE LIVER – Take Thagard’s Vegetable Pills. Thagard Drug Store. Pear Street.

As I scanned through the 1930 newspapers on microfilm at the Andalusia Public Library always with the help of Archivist Linda Grimes Harrell, it seems like there were numerous advertisements for liver pills. Reminds me of a song from the Grand Ole Opry days about Carter’s Little Liver Pills. Apparently, people in the old days were overly concerned about their inactive livers. How did one know if he had a liver problem back then? In my attempt to REMEMBER WHEN, I may have missed out on a medical moment of the past as I stroll down “the sunny side of the street” here in the “dimple of Dixie!”

We all should be grateful that streets like Henderson Street, Chapman Street, Shreve Road, and Waits Drive are named after those mentioned above who came before and who participated in making Andalusia what it is today so we can all walk down “the sunny side of the street!”

If you have never been, this is your invitation to visit the Three Notch Museum on Historic Central Street where our proud past guides us toward a promising future!