Roby: Alabama delegation fighting to keep state’s military footprint

Published 12:47 am Saturday, February 25, 2017

U.S. Rep. Martha Roby said Friday a new subcommittee appointment should help her help Alabama.

martha-roby-head-shotSpeaking to the Andalusia Civitan Club Friday, Roby who previously served on the House Appropriations Committee, said she asked numerous times before being assigned to the defense subcommittee.

“Every member is assigned three subcommittees, which is where we dig down and do our work,” she said.

“Our military footprint in the state of Alabama is huge,” she said., citing the importance of Ft. Rucker, Maxwell

and Gunter to the Second Congressional District.

“It really is a big deal,” she said. “Alabama’s delegation is very well postured, and we all work very well together.”

Sen. Richard Shelby serves on the Appropriations defense subcommittee in the Senate. Reps. Mike Rogers, Mo Brooks and Bradley Byrne serve on the House Armed Services Committee, while Sen. Luther Strange recently was appointed to the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Roby said she is working hard to help get the F-35 mission assigned to Montgomery as the Air Force prepares to phase out F-16s.

“If we get this mission, it will be because of those men and women who serve so well there,” she said. “But our delegation has locked arms, and we are ready to fight to get this.”

Roby also recently was appointed to the House Judiciary Committee, and said she plans to work to help curb sex trafficking there.

Turning to the new administration, Roby said she is encouraged by a lot of President Donald Trump’s actions so far, including his cabinet picks.

Congress is prepared to focus on repealing and replacing Obamacare, tax reform, and border security, she said.

“Those are heavy lifts, but it is what the American people should and are requiring of American people,” she said.