Remember when: Andalusia was changing in ‘27

Published 1:17 am Saturday, March 11, 2017

In the year 1927, ninety years ago in Andalusia, The Andalusia Star reports much about the life in our town. People were smoking cigars and Lucky Strike cigarettes. The Kiwanis Club and the Rotary Club dominated the front pages with their weekly programs and fund raising events. Several banks were seeking depositors. Education was of utmost importance to the citizens along with sports. Business ventures and church meetings made for a well-rounded community where work and making a living was emphasized, and worship was routine. Automobiles had come on the scene not too long before the 1920s. Even then people were ailing, women with weakness as well as men and women suffering with bloating! The society page was filled with teas, bridal showers, and dinner parties. National news that made the local headlines included such stories as “Lindberg, our newest hero, is the first to make the New York to Paris flight.”

If you’ll imagine a main street home on East Three Notch, South Three Notch, or River Falls Street, stately and impressive as they were, one can just hear the music of the day playing on the radios or “the newest models of the Victrola.”

Star Dust,” for example, was a hit of 1927 along with “Side By Side,” “Ain’t She Sweet,”Rhapsody in Blue,” “The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi,” “Blue Skies,” “My Blue Heaven,” “Me and My Shadow,”and “Someone to Watch Over Me.”

My maternal aunt Carolyn Brunson Caton, who played the piano by ear, used to entertain us after Sunday dinner by playing a tune called “The Doll Dance.” My grandmother’s living room was transformed into “Vaudeville” as she played and charmed us with her rendition, that lilting 1927 song! All of those songs were heard back then on the radio. If I could only get into a time machine and go back to “radio” days!

A host of car dealerships emerged about this time – G. S. Waits, Hudson dealer; J. M. Taylor Auto Co.; Covington Motor Co. – Be sure to see this beautiful car, “The Aristocrat of all Chevrolets,” the Imperial Landau, “Never before so many fine car features at such low prices!” S. Cotton St.; Andalusia Motor Co. “Show Your Judgement By Buying a Ford.” & Studstill-Mathews Motor Co., the Buick dealership.

The Andalusia Mattress Co.C. A. Burke & Son have built up a fine business here and have made extensive improvements in their plant. The quality of work turned out by this firm is equal to the best. The best way to support new enterprises is to give loyal support. “Only the Best of Cotton and Ticking.” Phone 378-J.

White House Coffee – We are exclusive agents in Andalusia. S. J. McGowin, Grocer, Phone 405.

The Timmerman Insurance Agency – 22 years in business. Phone 100.

Bible Chautaqua Opened Here Sunday night – Full tent.

The Andalusia National Bank – Dividends result from the right banking connection. “Where You Feel At Home.”

The First National Bank of Andalusia – Our interest in our customers is a personal one and dependent upon their financial worth.

Picnic Lunches Easily Prepared – Riley Grocery Co. (I remember hearing that a lot of church groups and individuals picnicked down at the Conecuh River beside Prestwood Bridge.)

Plans completed for big revival at the First Presbyterian Church.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. O’Neal delightfully honored Dr. Charles Pratt (evangelist) on Wednesday with an elaborate luncheon at their beautiful home on East Three Notch Street. The luncheon table was centered with a bowl of lovely gladiola. Four delicious courses were served. (This home was located on the lot where the First Baptist Church is now situated.)

Save the House by Re-roofing – Benson Hardware Co.

Senior Class Play at Grammar School auditorium tonight at eight o’clock p. m. This is the best play in the history of the school – A play with a million laughs! (April 1927)

Playing at the Royal Theatre“Lindberg – America to Paris Flight.” By all means, see this!

Kiwanis Club Joins Rotarians to Help Scouts on Weekend Campout

The Camp Fire Girls Met at Mrs. Henderson’s house on East Three Notch.

The Andalusia Telephone Co. is under new management after 26 years. Ex-governor Henderson of Troy is the new owner as of June 1.

In Hot Weather Every Family Need Good Pure Ice – Consumers Ice and Cold Storage Co. Phone 83l.

Fine Record Being Made by Chero-Cola.

Mobley Creek School has consolidated with Brooklyn School this (school) year and 65 students make quite an addition to Brooklyn with the splendid corps of teachers. Both communities are well-pleased.

The P. T. A. is making an effort to beautify the grounds at the (new) high school building (Church Street School). Each of the upper grades will raise ten dollars to buy appropriate trees and shrubs for planting on the campus.(Hey, maybe this is where Lady Bird Johnson got her idea for beautification – “Plant a tree, a shrub, or a bush!”

The Methodist church ladies are going to conduct a pie sale next Saturday at eleven o’clock at the Riley Grocery Co. They promise to have a wide variety of luscious pies including apple, peach, lemon and other varieties to whet the taste of all.

Buy your stove wood from Jack Hodges. Phone 395-J.

Kiwanis Championship Baseball Game at Fair Ground Park this Thursday afternoon at 3:30. Ozark Kiwanis Club vs. Andalusia Kiwanis Club. Admission is only 25 cents.

The new church at Harmony has been completed. (October 1927)

Red Oak News – Farmers in this section are harvesting their cane crop at present. Syrup making will start immediately.

New Orthophonic Victrola – Every music lover should hear it. Make this store your headquarters when you attend the Singing Convention to be held here Wednesday. Patrick Furniture Co.

Good Attendance at Sacred Harp Singing – Hundreds Throng Courthouse where they joined in singing. Big dinner was served.

Sheriff Gantt and Deputies Had an Unusual Busy Week (Bootlegging and Moonshiners).

BIG SALE – Everage and Ellisor – Lots of millinery going at less than replacement cost. Come in and dress your head up before they are picked over. SHOES 25 cents. Follow the crowds here and get your share of the BARGAINS.

Here’s the nickel cigar you’ve been looking for. Jumbo size – Always fresh, No breakage. Andalusia Grocery Co., Distributors

Afraid to Eat – Bloating Spells from Indigestion. Find Relief – BLACK DRAUGHT

Women who need a tonic should take CARDUI – In use for over 50 years.

AHS Students to give banquet at Kiwanis Hall. 1927 Class Day Exercises To Be Held Friday night. Diplomas will be given to 38 graduates.

FLY FUNIRAL – Absolutely destroys Bed Bugs, Ants, Flies, Mosquitoes, Roaches, and Other Insects.

Officials Start Campaign to Rid City of Mosquitoes.

The Newest Model of the Victrola – Deluxe Console Model at $165. On Easy Payments. P. Lewis (On the Square) – Jeweler and Optometry. Specializing in Victor Talking Machines and Records.

Remember when that beautiful song played across the air waves in the living rooms of days gone by. “…Though I dream in vain, In my heart it will remain, My Stardust melody…the Stardust of yesterday, the music of the years gone by.”

The Speller Moates Radio collection at the Three Notch Museum is quite an historical display for a small town local history museum. Bring your family down one Sunday afternoon to see these unique cabinet style models and Remember when