Class photos were popular at Carolina School

Published 1:04 am Saturday, April 1, 2017

Today’s column is a continuation of the history of Carolina School. Before bringing the narrative to a close, two additional class pictures are presented as representative of some other years.

The first group shown is the 1945-1946 eighth grade with teacher, Mrs. Elizabeth Pelham, and principal, Mr. Hugh D. Wilson. They are standing on the steps of the south front entrance, which led into the auditorium with the entrance to the eighth-grade classroom immediately on the left.

A few memories were recalled by a class member, Esther Jacobs Barrow, who unfortunately was absent the day the picture was made. She recalled Principal Wilson was very strict and maintained good school order. The students sat at their desks for lessons during most of the day, but they also enjoyed long recesses. During those periods, they enjoyed such activities as jumping on the bouncing board, a favorite during most of the years. Esther had fond recollections of the Friday assemblies when students performed plays and sang songs such as “My Grandfather’s Clock” and rounds including “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.” She also remembered how excited they were when their teacher, Mrs. Pelham’s Husband, Charles Pelham, came home from the war.

1945-1946 Eighth-grade Class at Carolina School: FRONT ROW: Hugh D. Wilson, principal, Gordon Helms, Myron Nelson, Annie Mae Echols, Marie White, Myrtle Garvin, Arthur Garrett, James Knox, Mrs. Elizabeth Pelham, teacher. SECOND ROW: Julian Smith, Jeanette Huggins Pierce, Virginia Duncan, Gwendolyn Powell Bray, Voncile Bass, Max Ray Henderson, Lavon Henley, David Bowman. THIRD ROW: Margaret Jean Creamer Moses, Imogene Powell, Betty Martin Hutcheson, Christalee Henderson, Myra Hamm. BACK ROW: Lois Flemming, Arnold Grissett, Orlando Knox, Sarah Pope Anderson, Marzelle

Another class photo of Mrs. Missouri Wiggins’s third grade class during 1945-1946 is presented today. Some of the students were not identified at this time, so it is hoped that anyone who might be able to do so will contact this writer at one of the addresses below.

The members of this class enjoyed the following teachers: Mrs. Lorene Corley, first grade; Mrs. Alice Duggan, second grade; Miss Exa Mae Corley (later Mrs. Dick Dubose) for first part and Mrs. Missouri Wiggins, second part of third grade; Mrs. Bessie Cross, fourth grade; Miss Carolyn Ingram, fifth grade; Mrs. Gwen Wilson, sixth grade; Mrs. Jean Brown, seventh grade; and Mr. Hugh D. Wilson for part of year and Mr. Boutwell for major part of eighth grade. It is believed that some of the students in their first-grade year were placed in Mrs. Duggan’s second grade, which was probably due to class sizes.

The same general activities were experienced by this group of students as outlined in earlier columns. Two class members, Ruth Jacobs Lawson and Wynette Moore Mullen, recalled a few memories. They remembered having to stay in during recess for any bad behavior and were required to clean the classroom, which was a fairly standard practice at that time. Another incident was an occasion when Principal Wilson called the students together at the flagpole after lunch one day. He announced that any boy who could climb the pole to the top would be given a quarter, and any girl who was successful would be give fifty cents. Of course, several brave attempts were made, and at least a few boys garnered the prize; however, it is not certain if any girl made it.

There are many other class photos and scenes of student activities at Carolina School, but the ones presented were made available for this story. They represent the various classes at least through 1956.

Appreciation is expressed to Esther Jacobs for the 1945-1946 eighth grade class picture and to her sister, Tessie Ruth Jacobs Lawson, for the 1945-1946 third grade group. Ruth and Wynette Moore Mullen are thanked for helping identify the students in their class, their teachers and memories.

Anyone who has a question regarding this history of Carolina School or who wishes to contribute additional information is requested to contact this writer, Curtis Thomasson, at 20357 Blake Pruitt Road, Andalusia, AL 36420; 334-804-1442; or Email:


April is Confederate History and Heritage Month as proclaimed by the Alabama State Board of Education. The Covington Rifles Camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans will be meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, April 3, in the Dixon Memorial Room of the Andalusia Public Library. This is a different date from the usual one due to conflicts with other activities. Anyone interested in Confederate heritage is urged to attend.