Andalusia sets Aug. 7 start date for school

Published 12:26 am Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Andalusia students will begin the 2017-18 school year on Mon., Aug. 7, and end the school year on Thurs., May 24.

The Andalusia Board of Education approved the academic calendar Monday.

Other dates include:

  • Sept. 4 – Labor Day holiday
  • Sept. 25 – Early release day for student.
  • Oct. 9 – Columbus Day
  • Nov. 10 – Veteran’s Day
  • Nov. 20-24 – Thanksgiving holidays
  • Dec. 21 – to Jan. 5 – Christmas holidays for students (Teacher inservice on Jan. 4 and 5)
  • Feb. 16 – Teacher inservice day
  • Feb. 19 – King/Lee holiday
  • March 26-30 – Spring break
  • April 19 – Early release day for students
  • April 20 – Spring holiday
  • May 24 – Last day for students
  • May 25 – Teacher inservice day
  • May 28 – Memorial day

In other business, the board accepted resignations from:

  • Betty Holmes, AES kindergarten teacher, who is retiring after 26 years.
  • Joan Mitchell, AES speech language pathologist, who is retiring after 14 years in the system.
  • Jeremy Burchfield, mechanic helper/bus driver, who resigned.