Pilots mark 70th anniversary
Published 11:43 pm Monday, April 24, 2017
The Pilot Club of Andalusia celebrated its 70th anniversary Monday night.
Current president Helen Bradley said club members “are so proud to be able to participate and support so many local projects.”
In support of the Pilot International service mission of “protecting your brain for life,” the club’s projects include purchasing helmets for children who receive bicycles through Community Christmas; Project Lifesaver; the Alzheimer’s Walk for the Cure; Miracle League of Covington County; Crossover Ministry, and other community projects.
The group also supports Camp ASCAA and works with the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) camps held there.
The group’s fundraisers include their pancake and sausage breakfast in December, and they recently have added a bake sale at Easter.
The club was organized in April of 1947, and is the parent club of the Anchor Club of Andalusia and the Luncheon Pilot Club.
“We are a service club, but also a fellowship organization,” said member Mary Lee Howard, who has been a member since 1980, and wrote a special devotional for Monday night’s event.
The club has two members who are past district governors – Carolyn Davis and Benny Jo Cockrell. Luncheon
Pilot member Lisa Patterson, also a past district governor, also attended the reception.