Leukemia patient’s wish granted: He’s going to Disney!

Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 25, 2017

Straughn fourth grader Kevin Crawford has been battling leukemia since August 2016, but at least for a few minutes Wednesday afternoon he didn’t have to think about his illness at all.

Birmingham-based non-profit organization Magic Moments gifted Kevin and his family with an all-expenses paid vacation on a Disney Cruise for later this summer.

Magic Maker Randy Posey, and his daughter Megan Posey, revealed the gift to Kevin and his entire fourth grade class at an assembly at Straughn Elementary on Wednesday.

“We’re really excited about all of this,” Kevin’s mom, Samantha Cowart, said. “He was really surprised and excited when he realized it.”

Posey said that Magic Moments gives families an opportunity to focus their attention on the family, rather than the illness for a change.

Last August, Crawford was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic T-cell leukemia and since then has been undergoing aggressive chemotherapy treatments to combat the illness.

“This is their opportunity to inject some hope and joy into their life, because most of their life right now is about doctor visits and treatments,” Posey said. “This is a chance to actually take their attention and focus off of all of that and focus it on being a family and having fun. Just putting some hope back into their life, because hope is a priceless thing.”

A surprised Kevin read off a slideshow slide that said, “I’m going on a Disney Cruise” as the rest of his classmates cheered and clapped.

Posey also read a letter from one of Kevin’s favorite cartoon characters, Mickey Mouse.

“I was very surprised and really excited,” a visibly happy Crawford said following the assembly.

Posey said that moments like Wednesday are special to him and his daughter.

“Out of anything that I could possibly be a part of, this is one of the greatest things,” Posey said. “Anyone that has a chance to hand-deliver hope to a family is a priceless moment itself. We are honored to just be a part of this process and sharing this moment with the family and their community.”

Cowart also said that her son was physically doing much better.

“He’s done with weekly treatments. So, now we only have to go monthly for the chemo,” Cowart said. “His immune system has recovered a good bit from what where it was before.”