Revenue offices takes in $170K more in 2016

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Revenue Commissioner Chuck Patterson said Tuesday morning that his office collected $170,205 more in property taxes for 2016 than 2015.

Patterson said they collected $10.9 million in 2016 and $10.7 million in 2015.

He said they had more than $2,000 in insolvents on the books, which is business personal property that had not been paid, but employees in his office have been able to get that number down to $476.

“That will go on next year’s collections,” he said. “We have a couple of businesses that may have filed bankruptcy or left town.”

Patterson said there were $12,000 in errors, which is when a property wasn’t originally declared as homestead, but the office went back and reduced the tax burden because the property met the criteria.

Patterson said his office is pledged to get these numbers down to zero where it is available.

Patterson said they are also making sure that all property is picked up for property tax purposes.

“We are looking at the Florala airport,” he said. “I think, maybe, there are some planes we haven’t accounted for.”

Patterson said he wants to be fair to people in Covington County.

“I want to collect what we are supposed to but no more,” he said. “I also hope for more industry. That will help us all.”