Jobs top concern in Florala town hall
Published 12:45 am Thursday, June 15, 2017
- Sen. Jimmy Holley (center) and Rep. Mike Jones (right) present a state flag to Florala Mayor Terry Holley Tuesday night.
Officials: Focus should be tourism
Florala area residents had jobs on their minds when Sen. Jimmy Holley and Rep. Mike Jones held their annual town hall meeting there Tuesday night, and both officials encouraged the development of tourism.
“The nursing home is our largest employer,” Council member Sue Mathis said. “But we need some technical jobs here.”
Jones said, “I never try to tell a city what to do. You know more about your city than I would ever know. But I think tourism should be a blueprint and you should work on it as hard and fast as you can.
“The cornerstone has to be a hotel,” he said. “With that, your conference center works as a destination for people who need continuing education units, for family reunions, and other events. Once someone looks at the lake, the area sells itself. It is your biggest asset, and if you don’t take full advantage of it, you’re missing out.”
Sen. Holley said the legislature recently passed legislation for workforce development that can help small communities compete for jobs, and a new board governing the state’s two-year colleges has a bigger focus on workforce development.
“I feel like this will help us get some things done,” Holley said.