LBWCC seeks host family for student

Published 1:15 am Friday, June 30, 2017

LBW Community College will soon welcome a German student for the fourth consecutive year through the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) program, provided a host family can be found.

“We are very grateful for the community support shown with all our previous students,” said LBWCC President Dr. Herb Riedel. “My family hosted this year’s student and we have had only positive experiences. Now as we prepare to welcome the fourth student through this remarkable exchange program, we again need to find a host family.”

Since he will likely take classes on the MacArthur Campus, a family in Opp or surrounding areas would be ideal, Riedel said.

CBYX is a highly-selective program through the German government with participants carefully screened and final selection made by the elected state representative of the participant, he said. Host families go through an approval process and receive a small monthly stipend to help defray expenses.

Selected students must also purchase a vehicle so they will have their own transportation.

“We know the student selected for the upcoming year is a male, 22, who is currently working as a car mechanic in a large company. He enjoys playing basketball, working out at a gym, and teaching young children to swim.”

The benefit for the foreign exchange student is to experience living and studying one year in America, while host families and other students benefit from cultural interaction.

“We will be happy to share a letter received from the student with those interested in becoming his host family.”