New PHS teacher excited about teaching

Published 1:54 am Saturday, August 19, 2017

New Pleasant Home School kindergarten teacher Heather Griffin is excited to have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of her students.

“It all starts at this age,” Griffin said. “Here is where they will find out if they have a passion for learning and school, and I want to provide a loving, caring environment where they can find it comfortably.”

Griffin graduated from Florala High School before attending LBW and graduating from Troy with an education degree.

Last year Griffin interned at Straughn Elementary in a kindergarten class.

Griffin said that she strives to provide a positive and encouraging attitude to help the kids enjoy their time in her class.

“Everything is a milestone here and I want to treat it that way,” Griffin said. “From writing your name to tying shoes, I want my kids to know that we are proud of their accomplishments.”

Above all of this, Griffin wants to develop a lasting relationship with her students.

“I want to be the person that they are excited to come to,” Griffin said. “I would like to be seen as a second mom, a nurse, and a friend. This is the most important part of my job, to me.”

Although motivated, Griffin knows this is no easy task.

“This age is challenging, but I absolutely love every second of it,” Griffin said.