ECLIPSE DAY [with gallery]

Published 10:40 am Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Andalusia Elementary School was buzzing with excitement on Monday as the solar eclipse took place.

Teachers and students spent the early morning learning about the eclipse, from what it is, how often it happens (about every 99 years), to some safety tips to help the kids understand the dangers of looking at the eclipse without the proper safety equipment.

The students were all excited to witness it, and some were even nervous.

Mrs. Wilson’s fifth grade class was very intrigued, asking many questions throughout the course of the lesson.

Some teachers also brought snacks that tied into the eclipse, including Moon Pies, Sunny D, Sun Chips, and Starbursts.

The children were involved in activities and games that helped with their knowledge of the eclipse.

As the eclipse started taking place in other areas of the country the classrooms fell dead silent as the children watched live streams online in awe.

The children were kept inside and watched the eclipse via live stream online due to safety reasons.

At LBW Community College, students and faculty members had an eclipse-viewing party. At Straughn Elementary, students watched in the football stadium through special glasses purchased by the school.

The eclipse was at its maximum covering in Andalusia at about 1:36 p.m., when about 86 percent of the sun was covered by the moon.

Sadly for Andalusia residents, the clouds in the sky made it nearly impossible to get a view of the moon moving in front of the sun.

Luckily for the young kids at AES, it may not be the last solar eclipse that they will get to see.