BRINGING HOME THE TITLE: Opp cheer squad wins back-to-back state crowns

Published 12:05 am Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Opp High School varsity cheer squad impressed the judges with a dazzling performance to clinch back-to-back cheerleading state championships.

“These girls are just such a hardworking group,” cheer coach Lorrie Harrison said. “We would start practice during fourth block, and there were days that it was dark before we left. Most of the time, it was them that insisted we keep practicing until they got it perfect. They are go-getters and goal-minded.”

Harrison said the girls’ cheerful demeanor and can-do attitude extends far beyond just competition cheering.

“These girls are like that on and off the mat,” Harrison said. “The love cheering on Friday nights, they love the volleyball team and the basketball teams. These girls are in the hallways at school encouraging others. Their main focus isn’t just about competition.”

This year at the state tournament, Harrison said it was stacked with tough competition.

“There were a lot of really good squads this year,” Harrison said. “We had to battle and our girls brought it like they have been all year. When these girls set their mind to a goal, they do whatever they need to accomplish that goal.”

Harrison said that a lot of the success stems from two years ago when they won the Regional championship.

“Two years ago we won Regionals, but didn’t when state this year,” Harrison said. “These girls that are seniors this year were sophomores that year, and they were lead by a strong group of seniors. They wanted to lead like them and they decided that they wanted to win state the next year. They ended up going on to win state as juniors and seniors. They have now won a state championship in three out of four years. I’m very proud of what they accomplished this year.”

Next up for the Opp cheer squad will be a trip to the Regional Championship in Hoover on Dec. 9.

Depending on how they perform at the Regional Championship, Opp could then receive a bid to compete at Nationals in Orlando.