Remember when: All that was fashionable in ‘58
Published 12:45 am Saturday, March 31, 2018
- May Day at Church Street School in 1958. According to the newspaper accounts, more than 2,000 attended.
“Great Balls of Fire,” Jerry Lee Lewis sang over the radio waves. Buddy Holly, it is said, introduced rock and roll to the popular music scene. “Peggy Sue” was one of his hits in 1958. The Everly Brothers, Ricky Nelson, Elvis, Pat Boone, The Platters, and The Kingston Trio all had hits in the Top 100 that year. The folk song “Tom Dooley” was even made into a movie that we all went to the “picture show” on Saturdays to see! The days of going to Don Parson’s Record Shop on East Three Notch to buy 45’s and 33 albums for our home stereos – Great balls of fire!
March 27, 1958 – The Andalusia Star-News reports, “Members of the Docena Club and their children modeled spring fashions at the Andalusia Country Club under the direction of Mrs. Merle Jones of Town and Country. Mrs. John Hill was in a chemise of corn flower blue along with dainty Joan Hill in an Easter organdy pinafore with lace trim.”
“West Highland Variety Store (Across from Alatex) – 10,000 Variety Items – Your Business is Always Appreciated”
April 3, 1958 – “Go to Church Easter Sunday – Alabama Textile Products Company and The Andala Company”
May 1, 1958 – “Sullivan Furniture Company – ‘The Working Man’s Friend’ – South Cotton Street”
May 15, 1958 – “The Covington County Board of Revenue has invited bids to renovate the former First Baptist Baraca Hall. The building recently purchased will be converted into a new office headquarters for the Covington Health Department.”
“Motorists have been warned by City Police Chief John Hammac that a traffic light has been placed at the dangerous intersection of East Watson and South Cotton Streets near the Covington Memorial Hospital. ‘This corner has been the scene of numerous crashes that should be eliminated with the traffic light,’ Hammac said.”
“Johnny’s United Shows – All for Fun – Fun for All – Showing in Andalusia May 23-31 – High School Stadium Parking Lot – The Show That Winters in Gantt – Rides Galore for Young and Old”
Oh, my goodness, do I remember that event! My friend Paula Sue and I went out to ride every ride. At the top of the Ferris Wheel, our change got jiggled out of our pockets and all the coins rained to the ground! I still have a little silver-plated double heart pin in my jewelry box engraved “Sue and Jimmy.” Actually, the Jimmy was for Jimmy Krudop at the time!
May 22, 1958 – A highlight of the May Day celebration at the Church Street School was the May Pole Dance in which a mixed group of boys and girls wrapped multi-colored ribbons about a giant pole. A part of the crowd of more than 2,000 persons, the largest in the history of the event is pictured in the background.”
“All dressed up is the Covington County Training School Band. The music makers had an important role on last Saturday in the Armed Forces Day celebration in Andalusia. Samuel Washington is the band director. The new band uniforms have been made available through the Band Parents Club and the Andalusia United Fund. The Training School auditorium was filled to capacity with parents, friends, and patrons of the school on May 7 for the annual band concert. Majorettes are Mary Jackson, Jacquelyn Starnes, Carolyn Jenkins, Willie Mae Gantt, and Virginia Nelson.”
“We’ll Make Last Year’s Wardrobe Look Like New – Spicer Cleaners – 105 South Cotton Street – Phone 20”
May 29, 1958 – “May Day Program at Graduation Event – Mrs. Jim Radcliff and Mrs. Donald Mock presented their Play Pen Kindergarten pupils in a delightful May Day program on the lawn, Thursday, May 22. The playlet revolved around Old King Cole and his court who sought to entertain him by song and dance before an appreciative audience. Buddy Brannon was Old King Cole.”
July 24, 1958 – “The 62nd annual sacred heart singing was held July 16 at the Courthouse. A crowd of over 500 was attracted. An hour’s recess was ordered with all singers adjoining to the recreation grounds of the old Baptist Church now county owned property for a barbecue lunch.”
“Members of the AHS Class of ’33 were poised (this week) for their Silver Anniversary with a picnic at Open Pond on Wednesday. They will stage an ‘Open House’ at the Andalusia Country Club on Thursday. On Friday James Caton, the class president, will host festivities at his Gantt Lake cottage.”
“We Keep the Spots! Pruitt Cleaners – South Cotton Street Phone 31”
August 7, 1958 – “The Yanks are the champs of the Little League. Robert Cremer pitched the Yanks to the crown. It was a repeat performance for Cremer since he pitched the Yanks to the crown in 1957, too.”
August 14, 1958 – “Mrs. Hester Little, owner and operator of The Highland Beauty Shop, has returned to her duties (at the beauty parlor) after a 2-week study course in modern hair styling in New York City.”
With the First Baptist Church preparing for the dedication of the new sanctuary building on East Three Notch Street in June 1958, I ran across this news story on June 12, 1958, that has good information and a little humor that I will add as I REMEMBER WHEN. “With Considerable Pride We Boast – The Southern Craftsman Furniture Company of Andalusia has been privileged to construct and place in the magnificent new First Baptist Church sanctuary the custom-built communion table, the pews, and the stately pulpit, all made out of African mahogany. O. P. (Pete) Banks, president; Z. N. (Zeag) Banks, vice president; Bill Banks, secretary-treasurer; and LeRoy Taylor, plant supervisor are all proud to have had the opportunity to provide our services. Through Street. Phone 521.”
Jessie Shealey, once the custodian at First Baptist, used to always say around the Easter time of year , “Time to move the ‘Lawd Have Muhsy Jesus Table.’ We’ve got to get ready for the Easter Cantata.” I once asked, “Jessie, why do y’all call it that?” He replied, “Because it is so heavy! When we lift it, we always say, “Lawd Have Muhsy, Jesus!”
Happy Easter to all, and as columnist Mrs. Grundy always penned. “I hope you will all be in your place of worship tomorrow (with your family to honor the King of the Ages.)”
Sue Bass Wilson, AHS Class of ’65, is a local real estate broker and long-time member of the Covington Historical Society. She can be reached at