Party primaries 33 days away
Published 1:20 am Thursday, May 3, 2018
Sample ballots included in today’s edition
Today’s print edition includes sample ballots for Alabama’s 2018 party primary elections, which are a little more than a month away. (Please see Page 4).
On June 5, Alabama voters may choose to cast a ballot in the Republican or Democratic primary.
In the current election year, voters will choose a governor, lieutenant governor, U.S. Representative, attorney general, chief justice and two associate justices of the Alabama Supreme Court, elect four appellate judges, a secretary of state, treasurer, auditor, commissioner of agriculture and industries, members of the public service commission.
Locally, the voters also will choose a sheriff, and members of the Republican or Democratic executive committees.
Those who wish to participate in the sheriff’s race must choose to vote in the Republican primary, where incumbent Dennis Meeks is seeking a fourth term, and is being challenged by Nickey Carnley and Blake Turman.
The Republican ballot also includes a challenged seat for the state Republican Executive Committee, with Steven King and Wyley D. Ward both vying for the job.
On the Democratic ballot, Harriet Jay Hubbard and Hazel Janette Lewis both seek election to the Democratic Executive Committee.
Mon., May 21, is the last day to register to vote in the primary election. Voter registration applications are available on the Alabama Secretary of State website, and may be completed online or downloaded. Applications are also available in the probate judge’s office of the courthouse, and in the Board of Registrars office in the county administration building.
Those who wish to vote absentee in the primary must request a ballot by Thursday, May 31. The ballots must be postmarked by Monday, June 4.
If a candidate fails to receive a minimum 50 percent plus one of the votes cast in any race, a runoff election will be held on July 17. With five candidates on the Republican ballot for governor, six seeking the Democratic nomination for governor, and five people vying for the Republican nomination for the U.S. House of Representatives, many political pundits expect a runoff to be necessary.
Alabama law no longer allows crossover voting, which means if a voter opts to participate as a Democrat on June 5, he or she will not be allowed to “cross over” and vote in a Republican runoff, and vice versa.