Opp adding mural near restored depot
Published 12:32 am Tuesday, August 7, 2018
- Opp native and Nashville artist Martin McDaniel - one of the most popular performers in the July Jamz concert series - will perform at Candyland on Saturday.
The City of Opportunity will have its story told in a downtown mural, thanks to a joint project by the Opp Chamber of Commerce, Opp Cultural Arts Society, the Downtown Redevelopment Authority, the Opp Khelpanan Society.
Opp Chamber of Commerce Executive Administrator Kelly Brandin announced that the mural would be coming to Opp at the Opp City Council meeting Monday night.
“This has been several years in the making,” Brandin said. “And I am absolutely invigorated that it is finally being put into fruition.”
Brandin said that the mural will be something that will be a legacy for the City of Opp.
Dr. Josh Driver, James Clifton, Jan Breedlove, Pam Potter, Beth Jackson and Brandin are all on the committee working for the mural, which will be located on the Evans Building directly across from the depot. It will be 15 feet by 62 feet.
Brandin said that the committee has obtained verbal consent for the mural from the building owner, but is working on a contract to make it official. Dothan mural artist Wes Hardin will paint the mural.
“He has done work all over the Southeast and it is amazing,” Brandin said. “We are very fortunate to have him do the mural.”
Brandin said the mural will cost $17,205.
Driver has begun the fundraising effort by approaching the Solon Dixon Foundation for a grant, but the Opp Chamber is accepting donations as well.
“We would love to have you play a role in this exciting project,” Brandin said. “This will be for all of the City of Opp.”
The council also:
- Awarded a certificate of appreciation to Brandt Jones for his volunteer trash cleanup.
- Awarded a plaques of appreciation to members of the Faith Program.
- Awarded certificates of election for Opp School Board who ran unopposed for their seats this summer.
- Recognized Thomas Glisson for his achievement in Team Roping and Calf Roping in Wyoming.
- Booked the Martin McDaniel Band for the 2019 Rattlesnake Rodeo.