Band will use tents for home concessions
Published 1:00 am Tuesday, August 28, 2018
- The AHS Band Boosters will operate concession stands in the new field house, and in tents on the home side this Friday. Photo courtesy of Skip Enzor
Andalusia High School football fans don’t have to worry about being hungry in the new stadium, because the AHS Band Boosters will have three concessions stands ready to go on Friday night.
“There will be three concession stands available on Friday night,” organizer Kristen Geohagan said. “We will have our regular concession stand in the field house and two tents on the home side of the stadium, and we will have all of your favorite football foods.”
There will be one concession stand tent located by the men’s restroom and another tent on the opposite side of the home side by the grand stands.
“We are very excited for Friday night,” Geohagan said. “We have all of our volunteers ready to go and we are ready for some football.”
Geohagan said that the concession stands will be stocked with all of the usual things that the band boosters usually sell.
“We will have hotdogs, hamburgers, sausage dogs, drinks, chips and everything else that we usually have,” Geohagan said.
The only thing that the two tents will not have is all of the things made from electronics.
“We won’t have electricity in the tents,” Geohagan said. “So things like nachos and fries, we won’t have those in the tents, but we will have them in the field house concession stand.”
With construction continuing at the new stadium, some caterers that usually set up concessions will not be selling their fried goods this Friday night.
“The people that sell the fried oreos and fried candy bars will not be there Friday night,” Geohagan said. “Since the stadium is not 100 percent done, they did not want to set up their things yet, but they will be here later on in the season.”
The stadium is expected to be fully completed by homecoming in October. Some unfinished areas will be off limits in the home opener this Friday.
Geohagan said that she has about 30 to 35 parents volunteering to run the concession stands.
“We will be working hard to have everything ready by Friday,” Geohagan said. “And on Friday night we will be working hard to make sure that everybody has everything they need.”
Andalusia plays Trinity at 7 p.m. Friday.