Woman seeks help finding missing dog

Published 12:19 am Thursday, September 27, 2018

She rescued him, nursed him back to health

After escaping an abusive relationship, Jennifer Wahl is now searching for her missing dog, Fenris.

“I left Andalusia and thought that I had left my two dogs in capable hands,” Wahl said. “A month after I left Andalusia, I kept in contact with the people and they said that they had found a good home for my dogs. I was scrolling through the animal shelter’s Facebook page a week before I came back to Andalusia and I saw both of my dogs on their page.”

After learning the dogs were at the Andalusia Animal Shelter’s, Wahl called to try to figure out what had happened.

“When I called the animal shelter they said that they had one of the dogs, but Fenris had escaped from under the fence and they couldn’t find her,” Wahl said. “I went to go get Bron, my other dog, and they had yet to find Fenris yet.”

Now, Fenris has been missing for about two and a half months.

Wahl said that Fenris did not have an easy upbringing.

“I found her running through five-lane traffic in Andalusia right by the Ford car dealership,” Wahl said. “I rushed back home with the person driving me and we went to find her. We searched for a while then came across two abandoned houses. We saw her walk into one so we followed.”

When she got a close look at Fenris, Wahl was surprised at what she saw.

“When we caught up to her she was all skin and bones,” Wahl said. “Her tail had been cut off and she was soaking wet because of the rain and covered in spider webs. We searched the inside of the house to see if there were anymore puppies there.”

Wahl suspects that Fenris might have gone back to the abandoned house, but she is scared because she thinks that it might not be safe.

“We went up some stairs to search only to find that someone had been sleeping there,” Wahl said. “There were blankets and pillows in the floor and luckily nobody was there at the moment. We left and took her home. We washed her and cleaned her ears and fed her a little, but not too much because we didn’t want her stomach to bust.”

Despite all that Fenris appeared to have been through, Wahl said that she still got along with her other dog, Bron.

“After all of that we put her in a cage so that my other dog wouldn’t bother her. She slept for two days,” Wahl said. “We introduced her to my other dog, Bron, and he immediately took interest in her. He was gentle and just kept licking her face. Eventually she gained weight and energy. Bron and Fenris became such good brothers and sisters.”

Now Wahl is still searching for Fenris and is desperate to find her. Fenris is an all black pitbull lab mix, with a cut off tail.

Wahl said that she did have a collar on when she left her in Andalusia, but she does not know if she has one now.

Anyone with information about Fenris is asked to contact Wahl at 251-243-2477.