CDC: Life expectancy lowered; suicide, OD are contributing factors

Published 12:53 am Tuesday, December 4, 2018

According to a report released by the Center for Disease Control, life expectancy in the U.S. has now declined for three years in a row. It shows that the decline has been fueled largely by a record number of drug overdose deaths and rising suicide rates.

Babies now can expect to live 78.6 years on average, based on 2017 data, according to National Center for Health Statistics researchers. That’s down from 78.7 years in 2015 and 78.9 years in 2014.

Ruth Racz of the South Central Alabama Mental Health Center said that there could be a correlation between the overdose deaths and the rising suicide rates.

“There probably could be a correlation between the two,” Racz said. “With the opioid crisis and substance abuse in general, people numb themselves so they won’t have to deal with a pain. It is shown that people who commit suicide transfer the pain they were dealing with to someone else. It is a very sad situation.”

Racz said that center wide there is a problem with the way people think that a pill will solve all of their problems.