Ellis elected Alcazar Shrine officer, in line to become potentate

Published 12:50 am Thursday, February 21, 2019

Eddie Ellis of Opp was recently elected Oriental Guide at The Alcazar Shrine Center in Montgomery. He was installed as a member of the Divan (Line of Officers) at Alcazar Shrine Center on January 11, 2019. In the normal progression of officers, Ellis will be elected the Potentate of Alcazar Shrine Center in 2022. As such, he will be the head of and chief operating officer of Alcazar. If that occurs, he will be the first Potentate to be elected from Opp since Homer Presley, who was elected many years ago. Alcazar is one of four Shrine Centers located in Alabama and covers the central and southeastern areas of the State.

Ellis is a long-time member and current Senior Deacon of Opp Lodge No. 605, F. & A. M. of Alabama and has been active in Masonic and Shrine work for many years. He most recently served as president of the Covington County Shrine Club.He currently serves on the Membership Committee at Alcazar as well.

Shriners International is composed of Master Masons from all over the United States, Canada, Mexico, and other countries and has as its official philanthropy, Shriners Hospitals for Children. This health care system is composed of a network of 22 hospitals and their outreach clinics in the United States, Canada, and Mexico providing first-class orthopedic, burn, cleft palate, and other medical services to children from around the world, regardless of the family’s ability to pay. These hospitals also conduct cutting-edge medical research and provide top-notch training to medical professionals of all levels. Shriners donate their time, resources, and money to help fund the hospital system so that children in need of the services provided have access to those services. If you know of a child that is need of orthopedic, burn, or cleft palate treatment, you can contact any Shriner for information and assistance or visit the Shriners International website for more information.