Straughn’s Envirothon team advances to nationals

Published 1:16 am Thursday, April 18, 2019

SHS Envirothon sponsor Holly Carter said that the students had to learn about five different categories to be prepared for the state competition.

“They had to learn about water, soil, a current issue, forestry and wildlife,” Carter said. “They had to take a test in all five subjects and the total score was calculated from those test scores.”

Along with the tests, the students also had to give a presentation on a real life scenario.

“This year, the real life scenario was on farmers,” Carter said. “Like they had a farmer who was not doing the best practices. The students had to figure out a way for the farmer to use better practices that would still benefit himself, but also benefit the community at the same time. They had to do a 17-minute presentation on that.”

Carter said that the kids did all of the work themselves to get to where they are.

“The students worked so hard,” Carter said. “We did have practices to make sure that they knew the material. They had a super thick study guide to study from. With the presentation, I wasn’t allowed to help at all, so that was all their work. I am so proud of them. They were so driven and worked incredibly hard.”

To prepare for the national competition in October of this year, Carter hopes to work with more professionals in the community.

“We have worked with some people in the community to prepare for the state competition,” Carter said. “But I think it will be even more beneficial if we work with more. I’m going to get with the Soil and Water Conservation again because they have sponsored us before and they have been really helpful. I don’t really know what all is going to be on the national competition tests, because it is our first time qualifying for it, but I am going to print out the specifics when it gets closer to time. I am also losing two seniors so I am going to have to check the competition rules and see if they are allowed to come back or if I need to fill two spots.”

Carter has been the Envirothon sponsor for the past six years.

“Our kids have placed in the past three years that we have gone to the competition,” Carter said. “This is the first time that we have ever placed first, though, and I can’t be proud enough.”

The group will fly out to Indianapolis in October for the national competition.