Saturday Market moves to Square

Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 25, 2019

Farmers Market opens this weekend; in traditional venue Wednesday

The opening of the Spring Farmers Market is right around the corner, but with a change of venue to the court square on Saturdays with the hope that it will bring in more traffic.

Organizer Whit Carroll said that he and Allie Vuyovich came up with the idea after a brainstorm session.

“Allie and I talked about it and I know that some of the farmers that come to it have been talking about how they wished that the market was more visible to the public,” Carroll said. “So we started thinking about different places and what better place than the square to hold it?”

Carroll hopes that it won’t be too confusing for the citizens of Andalusia.

“On Wednesdays it will be at the same location that it has always been, at the actual farmer’s market by the depot,” Carroll said. “We didn’t want to hold up traffic or take up parking spots during the week at the courthouse, so we made it where we would keep it there on Wednesdays and then on Saturdays we could move it to the square.”

Carroll hopes that being on the Court Square will make the market more visible to the public.

“By having it there, people are more likely to stop and look,” Carroll said. “I’m not trying to put down the Farmers Market venue at all, but it is kind of hidden and people have said that it is hard to get to. It seemed like the people that were coming were only coming because they specifically wanted to come to the Farmer’s Market. With it being on the square, we can get people that are just driving around and get curious.”

Carroll hopes that at least 10 to 12 farmers show up to showcase their items, but he can’t be too sure until the day of the market.

“When I think of a farmer’s market, I think of produce,” Carroll said. “We always hope to have a good number of produce farmers, but we also will have some arts and crafts and people that bring jam, jellies and canned salsa. With it being in the spring, we can hopefully get some good produce.”

Buying locally and supporting local farmers is important, which is why Carroll said that Farmers Markets are important to small communities like Andalusia.

“I think it is important to buy locally and especially from these local farmers,” Carroll said. “Especially now, people are looking at what they eat and are wanting to eat healthier. They will talk with the farmers about where they grow their produce and they get to talk with the person who actually grew it. In my opinion, it is a win-win.”

The Andalusia Farmers Market will be located at 256 Historic Central Street on Wednesdays from 7 a.m., until noon and on the Andalusia Court Square starting this Sat., April 27, from 7 a.m., until noon.