Mizell presents MIM awards

Published 12:59 am Saturday, May 18, 2019

Mizell Memorial Hospital recognized four employees with its MIM (Mizell IMAGE Maker) award during National Hospital Week.

The MIM awards go to employees who consistently demonstrate “above and beyond” behaviors on a daily basis.

“It is a perfect way to thank our employees who continue to make such a positive difference every day, just doing what comes naturally,” Mizell CEO Jana Wyatt said.

Jennifer Adams,

Mizell Clinic

Jennifer (Jenny) Adams has been a part of the Mizell family in different capacities for more than 50 years. She has been through many changes over the years, in the words of her staff, “taking each one with enthusiasm mainly but always a willingness to get the job done.”

Adams is known by her staff for being “steadfast” and “always willing to answer questions.” Her staff says she is always willing to go beyond the call of duty to lend her time and attention to any need they may have, professionally or personally.

One of her co-workers said, “She may not always say what you want to hear, but she says what needs to be said,” when speaking of Adams’ complete honesty and the integrity with which she leads. Another co-worker said, “Mizell is her home and the clinic is her heart… that is ownership.”

Susie Floyd,

Surgical Services Manager

Susie Floyd was nominated by her staff for this award “because she is an excellent manager and role model.”

Her co-workers describer her as selfless, and said she “stepped up when the surgical services department needed her most.” Many of them said she encourages them to do their best and to help Mizell as a whole.

Her staff also said, “Susie is a very smart and caring nurse who leads the department with Christian values.”

Hayley Elmore,

Occupational Therapy/Swing Bed Coordinator

Hayley Elmore was nominated for going consistently above and beyond for Mizell and its patients. Hayley took on the position of Swing Bed Coordinator at a time when Mizell needed the program to thrive. Hayley took ownership of the program and began to grow it almost immediately. She has worked hard to learn as much as possible about how the program should work and to encourage others to do their part to make this happen.

Hayley works daily to make sure the hospital is meeting all the requirements for insurance companies, and to provide the best care for patients. She works hard to help educate patients and families so they understand what the program has to offer.

Elmore’s warm, kind, but authoritative attitude is a wonderful asset when selling patients and families on the program, but also with her work as an occupational therapist. She is able to find a way to motivate patients even when they are generally reluctant or downright argumentative about therapy.

She also voluntarily entered the weekend rotation for the therapy department due to the increase in weekend work with swingbed. Elmore also serves on a subcommittee for the MMH Foundation in planning a family fundraising event.

Teresa Stephens,

Laboratory Phlebotomist

Teresa Stephens, phlebotomist in the lab, is a dedicated employee who always helps in every way she can such as working odd shifts but also going above and beyond with patient care.

Her coworkers say she “routinely takes care of extra duties without being asked and doesn’t mind taking on the responsibility for extra things such as staying on top of standing orders for patients, report distribution, and communicating with our local physician offices about lab related needs.”

Stephens has been known to meet extremely ill/fragile patients under the awning of the lab entrance to draw their blood for routine orders just so no one has to get them out of the car and into the building. She strives to ensure a welcoming environment for lab patients by helping decorate the department’s outpatient area for holidays. She tries to improve employee morale by decorating a monthly bulletin board inside the department in the outpatient draw room each month. Her friendly, smiling face is very familiar to patients, and her coworkers say they “love having her as part of our Mizell family!”