Unseasonably warm temps ahead

Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 23, 2019

Highs to top 100 degrees beginning Saturday

Residents of Covington County might want to have their air conditioners ready for the unseasonably hot, 100-degree weather rolling in for the coming week.

All week, the weather has stayed in the 90s, but after Friday, the temperature will get into the 100s.

Sat., May 25, the high is forecasted to be 101 degrees. Sun., May 26, and Memorial Day, Mon., May 27, the high is forecasted to be 102 degrees.

There will be a break from the 100 degree temperatures on Tues., May 28, but temperatures will remain in the 100s for the rest of the week with the highest temperature forecasted on Wed., May 29, at 103 degrees.

According to AccuWeather, there was not a day last year on which the temperature reached 100 degrees until June 26.

For people traveling to Destin for the Memorial Day Weekend, they will have a slightly cooler weekend with the high on Sat., May 25, being 90 degrees, Sun., May 26, being 89 degrees, and the high on Memorial Day on Mon., May 27 being 90 degrees.

Those traveling to Panama City will also have a cooler weekend, with the highs on Sat., May 25, being 94 degrees, Sun., May 26, being 91 degrees and the high on Memorial Day, Mon., May 27, being 94 degrees.