He sells fruits of retirement hobby at local market

Published 1:52 am Thursday, May 30, 2019

After retiring, Wing resident Marion McCullough started gardening as a hobby and found it very therapeutic.

McCullough spends every Wednesday in Andalusia at the Farmers Market to sell the fruits of his labor.

“After I retired started gardening,” McCullough said. “It is a good outlet to sell stuff and mingle with other farmers and customers.”

Before retiring, McCullough worked as an inside salesman with a pipe, valve and fitting company or industrial supplies company in Pensacola.

On McCullough’s table at the Farmers Market on Wednesday, he had several things from his own garden.

“I’ve got corn, peas, butterbeans, watermelons and cantaloupe,” McCullough said. “We usually grow different things according to the seasons. It starts with squash and cucumbers then it will be peas, butterbeans and corn.”

McCullough said that after he retired, he and his wife renovated an old house, but after that was finished he needed something to occupy his time.

“My wife and I had an old house so we added onto that, reworked it and finished everything with it,” McCullough said. “I would say that the gardening is very therapeutic. It is something to keep me busy. I also have cows and I have a hard time keeping the cows out of the garden.”

He said that the best thing about the Farmers Market is the interaction between the people.

“Just the association between the different farmers at the market,” McCullough said. “You get to meet so many different people and talk with them.”

McCullough said that farmers markets are important for farmers and people everywhere.

“It is just a good outlet for the produce,” McCullough said. “It helps the farmers and it helps the customers as well so they can get good food.”

The Andalusia Farmers Market is open on Wednesday mornings on Historic Central Street, and on Saturday mornings on the Court Square.