Reicherts honored

Published 1:20 am Wednesday, June 5, 2019

At the beginning of their 18th annual Summer Tennis Camp, the Andalusia Tennis Association honored Jack and Marcia Reichert, who will be moving from Andalusia soon. They were presented with a “Lifetime Membership” by Chairman John Vick and President Ben Bowden. The Reicherts were charter members of the association at its formation in 2000. They both were board members and Jack has served as treasurer for 19 years. Marcia was unable to attend the ceremony.

Pictured along with some of the campers are back row, from left, Monica King, assistant camp director; Kim Dyess, Wendy Mathews, board members; Paul Smith, camp director;  Bowden, Reichert and Vick, board members; Tommie Agee, Director of Andalusia Department of Leisure Services; and five camp helpers, Michaelyn Russell, Abigail Lee, Mei Chen, Paige Garvin and Mathew Beasley.

Courtesy photo