Red Level’s ‘Miracle’ runner honored for state titles, overcoming obstacles

Published 9:15 am Saturday, August 26, 2023

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Red Level School sophomore Miracle Wright received a proclamation from the Covington County Commission and was recognized for being a state champion for three consecutive years, titles she earned after overcoming even bigger challenges early in her life.

Dist. 4 Commissioner Tommy McGaha presented the proclamation to Wright for her track accomplishments and achievements at a River Falls town council meeting in July.

“I am extremely proud of Miracle for her achievements the last three years at Red Level. She has been a pleasure to watch compete and has represented both her community and school very well. The commission is pleased to publicly commend her for her fine efforts and to present this proclamation as an expression of the admiration of this commission and all our citizens for her accomplishments. We wish her all success in her future endeavors,” McGaha said.

Her accomplishments include winning the 100-meter dash for three consecutive years and being on the 4×100-meter relay team that won a state title two years ago. She was state runner-up in the 200-meter dash as a seventh and eighth grader before winning the event as a freshman last year.

Despite all her track accomplishments, Miracle could not walk when she was a child and has overcome many physical obstacles in her life.

“Miracle was born prematurely about 14 weeks early and weighed only 2 pounds when she was born. She had to be resuscitated at birth, and we were going to name her Isabella but chose to call her Miracle instead. She was a delayed walker early on, too. As a young mother at the time, the process was a very scary and heartbreaking journey. Every time I see her run, I think of my mom,” her mother Pinka Shine said.

Pinka recalled a physical therapy appointment when she found out about her daughter’s delayed motor skills.

“The doctor told us he wanted to put braces on her legs to straighten her feet because her feet were so badly turned. They turned outwards and as a baby, she couldn’t turn her feet inward. She had itty-bitty duck feet. The doctor told us braces would be the only way she would walk. My mom Alberta Shine didn’t play about my kids and told the doctor braces were not going on any of my kids. She believed in the old superstition about taking a dishrag across a baby’s knees to make them walk. That’s what she did every day in the recliner. True enough, without braces, Miracle learned to walk when she was almost three years old. She overcame the obstacles simply by the grace of God and my mom.”

Pinka always knew Miracle was fast but did not expect her to be at the level she was at.

“Her strength, speed, and tenacity are mind-blowing to me. Before she even thought of doing track, she had two coaches who had seen her potential from the start. Coach Ingram would say you’re going to come run for me. Mr. Steve would say there’s my state champ even before she started winning the titles. Look at where Miracle started and where she is today. I cannot think of a better way to show appreciation and to congratulate her and all of her hard work,” she said.

Receiving support from the school and community means a lot to her and her family.

“It is very heartwarming. I can simply be in Walmart, and people will tell me they will be there to see my daughter. People see Miracle and ask her if she is the state champ girl. The parents and staff at the school help me get her to and from practice when I’m working. They watch out for her, and the outpouring of support in general is an experience I’m very thankful for. Although I am very thankful for all the support from everyone, my family will always be our biggest support system. My dad Clifford Ball never misses a beat. He is 70 years old and still gets around to make sure he sees his girl. If my mom were still here, she would do the same. We are also supported with fervent prayer by Apostle Delphine Lee of the Life and Godliness Center and Pastor Tremayne Benson of New Pilgrim Baptist Church,” Pinka said.

As a believer, Pinka encourages everyone to focus on God and not any obstacles standing in the way.

“Life will always be full of obstacles. Miracle was developmentally delayed and wasn’t supposed to walk. When God is in it, there are no limits. She has gone from developmentally delayed to three-time state champion. Romans 8:28 says, ‘Delayed but not denied.’ Through His words, the ‘Running Miracle’ was developed, although delayed, and is now a state champ,” she said.

Miracle is the daughter of Pinka Shine and Jamie Wright.