Hospice honors ‘Brother Billy’
Published 12:00 am Friday, October 28, 2011

Hospice is honoring the Rev Billy Boles for his role as hospice chaplain. This month marks National Clergy Appreciation Month.
By Vickie Wacaster
October is “National Clergy Appreciation Month,” and Comfort Care Hospice wishes to recognize the Rev. Billy Boles in his role of hospice chaplain.
Brother Billy, as we lovingly refer to him, not only ministers and offers support to our hospice patients and families but he is also a source of encouragement and support to the staff at Comfort Care Hospice.
He always has an encouraging word and leads our staff in prayer as we make every effort to meet the needs of those we are honored to care for.
Hospice Chaplains recognize that being able to walk with someone as they face the end of life’s journey is a sacred gift.
They recognize this gift and respect life in all its stages and transitions.
Their hope is to provide spiritual healing, purpose and meaning to the ones that are entrusted to hospice care.
Hospice chaplains offer an open, sensitive and non-judgmental acceptance of all patients. They assist in connecting patients with clergy of their own faith, beliefs, cultures, and values.
It is the chaplain’s goal to support every patient and family with compassion and care.
Hospice chaplains are willing to assist by officiating at funerals or memorial services.
When our patients are no longer with us, Brother Billy is diligent in following up with family members and caregivers.
Once a month, together with our social worker, Brother Billy facilitates a (open to all of the public, not just Comfort Care bereaved) grief and bereavement group.
We are very grateful for the services Brother Billy so whole heartily provides.
As part of the hospice health care team, Bother Billy makes spiritual care a priority.
A hospice chaplain is part of a unique and compassionate team of people who strive diligently to meet the needs of terminally ill patients and their families.
The hospice team works together to address and meet the physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs of each patient.
It matters not how much we know, until our patients know how much we care.