Testaments, spiritual inspiration available online
Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 28, 2012
Ever since I received my first Bible I’ve found spiritual inspiration between its covers by reading and studying God’s Word. Sermons and Sunday School lessons have helped me grasp the Truth I need to live my life.
The other day I saw a picture posted on Facebook of an unopened Bible covered in dust with the words, “Read me” printed on the leather-looking surface.
Though I do read my devotional Bible regularly, nowadays I also find spiritual inspiration online. For instance, I downloaded an app for my iphone called Blue Letter Bible. I can touch the screen on my iPhone and read the classic daily devotion, Streams in the Desert, each day. Re-cently, I downloaded the English Standard Version of the Bible on my Nook.
Guess you could say that spiritual inspiration is now high-tech. I follow author/pastor Rick Warren on Twitter and downloaded an app from his Saddleback Community Church to listen to sermons on my iPhone.
Recently, a news article reported on a study conducted by a staff member of Twitter on why some tweets are more popular than others. For instance, in April Bishop T.D. Jakes tweeted, “Your words will tell others what you think. Your actions will tell them what you believe.” His message was forwarded 2490 times compared to 2,491 retweets of a message from pop singer Katy Perry. There’s another difference between the two – Bishop Jakes has 450,000 followers while Katy Perry has 20 million.
Facebook will reach one billion active users this year. I am one of them and I look for spiritual inspiration such as a daily devotion from My Utmost of His Highest that I read in my news feed. Many of my friends post uplifting thoughts and Scriptures, not to mention prayer needs. Author Bodie Thoene posted something last week that I just had to share.
“Exactly 40 days after my Mom died, I was sitting with my Bible open beside the water. I was so lonesome for her I could barely breathe. I didn’t know how to pray. Suddenly my cell phone pinged to let me know that there was an old message that was about to be deleted. I hit the button to hear what it was and my mother’s voice said, ‘Hi BoBo! It’s just me…Mama…I’m just sitting here with Papa, remembering that wonderful morning on your deck overlooking the water when we had that Bible study…I just wanted to let you know I love you! Can’t wait till we’re together again!’”
She went on to say, “I looked down at my Bible which was open to Romans, the most powerful and encouraging chapter in the Bible…I read it all with tears pouring down. The message sent from heaven to my aching heart that morning can be summed up in verse 8, ‘I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us!’”
The Apostle Paul says we are letters from Christ “written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human heart” and we can post words of spiritual inspiration that are known and read online (2 Corinthians 3:3 NIV).