Selling your Home and Maximizing the Price
Published 3:44 pm Friday, February 8, 2013
The housing market is not as good as we would like it to be. We have sellers who paid more than the home would appraise for in today’s market. However, life’s little unexpected events happen. Whatever the reason for selling your home, you need to maximize your opportunity. Here are some things you can do that will help you get the most for your home.
Your home needs to be neutralized. By that I mean your colors should be neutral. Not everyone likes your customized colors and their furnishings may not fit. If you use neutral colors, prospective buyers can create their own vision for the house.
Remove furniture! Using less furniture will make your home appear more spacious in pictures. Potential buyers will have less to walk around.
No strong odors. If you have pets inside please clean their area. Try to avoid cooking things with a strong odor a few days before a showing. Always take out the trash and clean your refrigerator.
Please do not start major renovations when you have your home listed. Make small inexpensive changes to spruce things up, such as replacing cabinet handles, or replacing outdated light switches or plug covers.
The first thing people see when they drive up to your property is the front of your home. Keep your grass cut in the summer and leaves raked in fall. The walkway to your door should be inviting.
Potential buyers know you live in your home, but they don’t need to see all the clutter. Pick up magazines, newspapers, etc…Pick up your clothes and shoes. Remove some of your photos.
Take care of small chores. Replace blown lights. Replace washers in leaking faucets. If you know of some small items that need attention, do them. Don’t wait for a buyer. You might not have time to make those repairs.
As your mother always told you, first impressions make a difference. It could mean a sale or a no sale.