‘Blabberings’ book signing is tomorrow

Published 12:01 am Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Celeste King Conner never set out to write a book.

But she was struck by the muse one morning while helping teach Sunday School.

“During Big Church, I couldn’t get the story off of my mind,” she said. “When Preacher started teaching, I decided to jot a few points down on the back of my sermon notes, so I could clear my thoughts. I couldn’t stop writing.

“I filled up my sermon notes and punched Chuck to give me his sheet,” she said. “Then I punched him again to hand me a leftover sheet from the week before that was stuck in the back of the pew in front of us. Chuck thought the Spirit had moved me. A spirit, perhaps, but not the Holy one.”

When she got home, she typed up her notes and started a blog.

“ I started – for no reason,” she said Tuesday. “I have twin daughters, and they went to separate colleges. My son was driving, so I had time. I loved a good story, so I started writing them down – I say they’re for my future unborn grandchildren.”

The response fueled her fire to write a few more.

“After a year and a half, I had 50 or 60 blog posts,” she said. “I thought, ‘There are some good stories here – funny or sweet. Somebody besides my Facebook friends might like to read them.”

So she compiled a book, “Blabberings.” She didn’t want to be rejected, or edited, so she self-published, and has had fun promoting it.

“It’s been a hoot,” she said. “It’s been nothing but fun – and because I didn’t have any expectations, I haven’t had anything but good things as a result.”

Among those good things is a reconnection with a childhood friend, Robin Barton Smith, who is hosting a tea and book signing for Conner at Sweet Gum Bottom Bed and Breakfast tomorrow afternoon from 4 until 6.

Both Conner and Smith hope anyone who loves good stories and good conversation will join them.