Ivory faithful plans to play domino tourney again
Published 12:02 am Thursday, July 9, 2015

Dallas Henderson has played in all but one of the World Championship Domino Tournaments. | Andrew Garner/Star-News
Henderson has only missed 1 domino tourney in 40 years
Dallas Henderson has a good run going and slaps his domino hard on the table.
This is a common occurrence for the Andalusia resident who plays often at the Andalusia Adult Activities Center.
He will be putting his domino skills on full display this weekend at the 40th annual World Championship Domino Tournament in Andalusia.
Henderson, 83, has been playing dominoes since he was 6 years old.
“So, about 77 years,” he said.
Henderson is no stranger to the local tournament as he has played in it since a year after it began in 1976. The tournament is held each year at the Kiwanis Community Center.
Henderson is one of three Andalusia residents who have won the singles championship a total of four times. He won it in 1978. In 1982, Henderson won the doubles title with James Baker of Dozier.
When asked what he likes the most about the game, Henderson said it’s the friendship.
“The friendship and carrying on are the biggest things,” he said. “When you get old, there ain’t many things you can do.”
Henderson missed the first domino tournament in 1976 because his wife was sick.
“I’ve played in every one since,” he said.
Not much about the tournament has changed in his playing days, but Henderson said the way that partners are chosen has changed.
“Back then we would carry our own partners and then they started drawing for partners,” he said.
Henderson said lady luck has been on his side when his partner is drawn.
“I’ve been lucky because I’ve drawn good partners a lot of the times,” he said. “The tournament I enjoyed the most is when I drew a lady. It was double elimination, and she couldn’t play a lick. We got beat the first game, and we won the consolation round. She enjoyed it so much.”
Henderson said the best player he’s seen play the game was James Morgan, who has won the championship five times.
Friend and domino buddy Jack Perry said Morgan had a photographic mind.
“When playing with him, and when you’re 83, you don’t think as good,” Henderson said. “It makes a difference. You really have to think. You’ve got to.”
The Andalusia Rotary Club will host the World Championship Domino tournament this Fri. and Sat., July 10 and 11 at the Kiwanis Center. Singles play for adults, teens and children starts at 8 Friday morning. The doubles tournament is Saturday. For registration information, click here.