Learning a game that will last a lifetime
Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 9, 2016

Cody Wagoner, Brad Carr, Eli Grissett, Garrett Riddle, Catherine Pettie, Sarah Williams, Abbie Powers, Cade Cassady, Nicholas Appleyard, Damaon Dorsey, D.J. Dorsey and Brice Jernigan enjoyed the first week of golf camp.
The City of Andalusia’s Youth Golf Camp at Evans Barnes Golf Course has seen a large group of kids coming in to learn how to play golf.
Golf is a tricky game that requires lots of patience and lots of practice, and that was something that camp instructor Art Gilbert let the kids know.
“The biggest thing is keep them motivated on to not get down on themselves,” Gilbert said. “They have to understand that they aren’t going to come out here and be Tiger Woods after a few days of practice. Golf is a tricky game. I’ve been playing for many years and I’m still figuring stuff out.”
Camp participants spent a lot of time on the driving range and the around the putting green.
“We will let them play a round on the course during camp, but that’s not where you learn to play the game,” Gilbert said. “At their age, the biggest thing that need to work on is their short game. They aren’t going to have long drives, but around the green is where you make up shots.”
Around the practice green is where the campers worked on honing in their short game.
Some practiced chips and lobs just off the green, while others stayed on the green with a bucket of balls practicing putt after putt.
Between the driving range and the practice green, Gilbert showed the campers how to properly grip the club and how they should stand.
On the driving range, campers took turns practicing hitting the ball in several different types of situations.
They practicing driving off a tee, hitting woods and irons off the ground and how to determine what club should be used.
Campers meet at Evans Barnes Golf Course on Wednesdays around 4:30 p.m.