Krudop named vice president emeritus at LBW
Published 1:50 am Saturday, May 13, 2017
- LBW Community College President Dr. Herb Riedel, left, joins Alabama Community College System Chancellor Jimmy Baker, second from right, and ACCS Board of Trustees Member Ron Fantroy, right, in congratulating Dr. Jim Krudop on the Board’s conferment of his title as vice president emeritus.
Dr. Jim Krudop now holds the title of vice president emeritus of Lurleen B. Wallace Community College, conferred by the Alabama Community College System Board of Trustees, with the framed conferment presented at LBWCC’s commencement service.
Krudop’s educational career spans 44 years, 39 of those years at LBW, said Dr. Herb Riedel, LBWCC president.
“Dr. Krudop has devoted many years to dedicated service for our students, the College, and the community,” said LBWCC President Dr. Herb Riedel. “He leaves a permanent positive impact and his recognition as Vice President Emeritus is a token of the deep appreciation felt by the College, the Chancellor, and the Board of Trustees.”
Krudop said he was honored by the recognition.
“I have immensely enjoyed my career at LBWCC. The faculty and staff are completely committed to student success,” he said. “Dr. Riedel provides amazing vision and excellent leadership, and he constantly encourages innovation. LBW is truly ‘the college that cares.’ I am proud and blessed to have been part of this dynamic institution of higher education.”
The Board recognized Krudop’s various roles throughout his career, including serving as interim president of LBW and Reid State Technical College, and as LBW’s vice president, several positions as a dean, and campus director in Opp and Greenville.
Krudop is a 1965 graduate of Andalusia High School; received a Bachelor of Science Degree in secondary education from Auburn University in 1969; a Master in Arts Degree from the University of Alabama in 1973; and a Doctor of Philosophy Degree from the University of Alabama in 1975.
Over the course of four decades, he served as president of and received highest recognition from several professional organizations, including the Alabama Community College Association, Alabama College System Financial Management Association, Alabama College System Deans of Student Affairs, Alabama College Personnel Association, Alabama College System Instructional Officers Association, Council of Alabama Admissions Officers, and Alabama College Public Relations Association.
He was also recognized by Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society with the Michael Bennett Lifetime Achievement Award in 2016 and Distinguished Administrator Award in 2009. The University of Montevallo named Krudop the Kermit Johnson Outstanding Junior/Community College Administrator in 1998-1999, and the Alabama College System Financial Management Association named him Financial Manager of the Year in 1998.
He holds the rank of Eagle Scout with Boy Scouts of America, where he received the God and Country Award and is a member of the Order of the Arrow.
Krudop believes in community service, demonstrated by his involved as president of the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce in 2015; L.V. Stabler Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees chair, 2012-2013; Rotary Club of Greenville president, 2011; Andalusia Health Services, Inc. Board of Directors vice president since 2012; chaired the Alabama Special Camp for Children and Adults Board of Directors, 2004-2006; Alabama Easter Seals Board of Directors; Andalusia First Baptist Church Board of Deacons, chair for four years; Andalusia City Council; Andalusia Rotary Club Paul Harris Fellow and president 1985-1986; Andalusia Area Chamber of Commerce president, 1984; Andalusia Middle School PTO vice president, 1989-1990; Andalusia East Three Notch Elementary School Parent-Teacher Association president, 1985-1986; and Andalusia United Fund president, 1995-1996.