THIS DREAM THEY CALL RODEO: Braxton Bozeman rakes in accolades in AJRA finals

Published 12:05 am Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Braxton Bozeman put up big numbers on Saturday to come away with the 2017 Alabama Junior Rodeo Association K-5 All-Around Cowboy Championship.

“It was very exciting,” Braxton said. “I just started jumping up and down and hollering.”

His father, Bubba Bozeman, knew that Braxton had the points to win the all-around championship, but didn’t let him know until they called his name.

“We just kind of played it off like he wasn’t going to win,” Bubba said. “He was on he was to go out play with his friends when they called his name. The look of joy on his face when he heard his name what just priceless.”

Along with being named the All-Around Cowboy champion, Braxton won the K-5 goat tying championship and he was named the K-5 Rookie Cowboy of the Year.

“He has been around horses and riding them before he could walk,” Bubba said. “He is the third generation of family to get into rodeo. My dad used to rodeo and so did I. Now, Braxton following right along in the footsteps, and his mom and I are right their behind him every step of the way.”

Braxton said that his favorite event is bareback bronc riding.

“I like bareback riding the most,” Braxton said. “It can be a little scary sometimes, but it’s a lot of fun. Riding bulls is also a lot of fun.”

His father said he wasn’t sure where Braxton’s love for riding bucking broncos or bulls came from.

“We are all team ropers,” Bubba said. “That’s what we have always done, but he decided he wanted to ride the animals that want to buck you off. Last year, at one of the finals last year they had some bucking ponies that any of the kids could compete in even if they weren’t members. He asked me if he could try and he went out there and came in second place. He is living his dream and we are behind all the way.”

That started to spark Braxton’s interest, but it was a friend who really got him into the 9-year-old said.

“My friend Shelton Murphy rode bulls, and I wanted to do that,” Braxton said. “He helps me out a lot. There are a lot of people that help me out.”

With all the people willing to help out a fellow cowboy, Braxton said that was one of favorite things about the rodeo.

“You get to meet a lot of people,” Braxton said. “They become like family.”

Braxton Bozeman competed in his first state finals over the weekend.
Josh Dutton/Star-News