Young genius plans to prove God’s existence

Published 1:42 am Saturday, July 28, 2018


Ho, ho—there’s a new sheriff in town!

Both Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking dissed God. But soon-to-be physicist William Maillis intends to prove God’s existence—with astrophysics. Impressive!

Maillis is a confirmed genius.

He’s also 11.

While most 11 year olds have just finished fifth grade, Maillis graduated from college last Saturday, earning his associate’s degree. At this rate, Maillis will complete his doctoral work by 18. Hawking didn’t even begin his doctoral studies until he was 20, and Einstein completed his at 26. Einstein learned calculus at 12. Maillis was eight.

Einstein, an agnostic, thought it was childlike to believe in a caring God. Hawking said, “There is no God. I’m an atheist.”

Such a shame.

Maillis, son of a Greek orthodox priest, not only believes in God, he’s already finding fault with the work of his two predecessors.

I listened earnestly to interviews with Maillis. God created the universe, but His idea of a “day” could have been billions of years. Here’s what I think I learned from the future astrophysicist—remember, I’m a theologian.

It seems that gravity is the essence of the universe. Yet Maillis says gravity by itself doesn’t exist. No, wait, don’t go—I see your eyes glazing over. Just two more sentences. Here’s the critical part: Maillis says gravity isn’t a force unless it has a particle to act on, otherwise it just stands there. And that particle had to come from outside of gravity, from outside the universe—thus,from God.

But could God call a child as young as Maillis—Maillis says he may have been five when he decided to prove God?


My walk with the Lord began at a very early age, and Scripture famously tells of a young child chosen by God.

It’s roughly a thousand years before Christ. Eli is leading the nation of Israel both as judge and priest.

One day, while Eli is sitting by the temple, he eyes a woman there. She’s weeping and carrying on so badly that Eli scolds her for being drunk. But Hannah is praying, and tells Eli this.

“May God grant your petition,” Eli says. Probably a little shame faced.

What was Hannah’s prayer? The distraught woman was barren. She’d said if God would give her a child, she’d give that child back to God.

The Lord acquiesces, and Samuel is born. Once the boy is weaned—he’s probably two—Samuel is given to Eli.

Yes, God has a reason. Although Eli loves the Lord, the old priest has two grown sons running amuck. Eli can’t bring himself to remove his evil sons as priests, and God is furious.

Here’s what happens.

One evening old Eli has gone to bed. So has his little son who sleeps in the temple.

“Samuel!” the boy hears.

He gets up and runs to Eli. “Here I am, for you called me.”

“No, I didn’t. Go lie down.”

So Samuel returns to bed.

“Samuel!” The boy hears and runs again to Eli.

“Here I am, for you called me.”

“I didn’t call, my son. Lie down.”

Samuel returns to bed.


The boy runs again to his father. “Here I am…”

Now Eli realizes it’s God. “Go lie down. If He calls again, say. ‘Speak Lord, for your servant hears.’”

So the child returns to bed, and this time the Lord comes and stands by him.

“Samuel!” God says.

“Speak,” the little boy dutifully answers. “For your servant hears.”

God then tells Samuel the future.

The child remains in bed until the next morning when he opens the doors of the temple. He’s afraid to tell Eli anything.

“My son,” Eli calls, wanting to know what God said. “Do not hide it from me,” Eli warns.

So Samuel recounts the vision. God intends to punish Eli’s house forever because the priest won’t restrain his evil sons. Eventually, that happens.

This is Samuel’s first experience with God. Scripture says: “Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him…and all Israel…knew that Samuel was established as a prophet…” 1Samuel 3:19-20

I really love Samuel. This gift—Samuel’s intimate walk with God—the prophet never took for granted. Samuel lived up to his call.

Just so, keep your eye on the new sheriff in town. Expect Maillis, with his genius and respect for God, to one day bring new laws to physics and a deeper appreciation of God to science. It’s a shame Einstein and Hawking couldn’t have lived after Maillis—by disdaining God, both limited themselves.

The Lord grants each of us a gift. Know that. If you fail to see how God has blessed you, you’ll never live up to the life God has for you.

© 2018 R.A. Mathews The Rev. R.A. Mathews is a faith columnist, attorney, and the author of “Reaching to God: Great Truths from the Bible.”