Andalusia City Council rejects Heritage Park bids

Published 1:30 pm Friday, May 24, 2024

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Construction at the site of the future Heritage Park has hit a snag as bids for a construction portion of the project came in higher than estimated.

According to Mayor Earl Johnson, the city received three bids for construction work. The lowest bid came in at $300,000 with the two others coming in at $600,000 and the highest being $900,000.

The council rejected all three bids, which officials said allows the city to coordinate the work on its own.

“This allows the city to act as its own general contractor,” Johnson said. “We can use city employees to do some of the work or we can bid out individual parts of the project, negotiating for lower prices.”

According to officials, the portion of the park project included in the bids was estimated to be in the $100,000 range.

In other action, the council held a first reading pertaining to a proposed property swap for Grit and Grind Coffee, which is eyeing a retail facility in the city.

The first reading of the two ordinances involve the city providing a tract of property near the PowerSouth facility to Robert Bishop. The second ordinance involves Bishop providing to the city a property located on Sixth Avenue, behind Andalusia High School, which is the proposed location for the Grit and Grind facility.

The council is scheduled to hold the second reading of the ordinances at its next meeting, scheduled for June 4. Following the second reading, the council could vote on the ordinances.

Other items discussed by the council included:

  • approving $182,500 to be spent for the construction of a cell at the city’s landfill.

“Our current cell will soon be filled and we need to build its successor,” Mayor Johnson said.

A landfill cell is an area where waste is dumped and compacted.

  • approving a $5,000 donation to the Alabama High School Rodeo Association, which will hold the state finals at the Covington Arena from May 30 through June 2. In addition to bringing visitors to the area, the association provides educational and safety training during their time in Andalusia.
  • approving a motion authorizing Southern Engineering Solutions to apply for an Alabama Department of Transportation grant for sidewalk improvements. The planned improvements, if the city is awarded the grant, would be along Jerry Drive, David Street, Short Street, Manavista Street, and C.C. Baker Avenue.

The next meeting of the city council is scheduled for Tuesday, June 4, 6 p.m., at city hall. A work session preceded the meeting, beginning at approximately 5:30 p.m.