
Acts of forgiveness in aftermath of genocide

Twenty-five years ago this week, most Americans were glued to their televisions watching the O.J. Simpson murder trial; ...


Mystery of the never-saddled colt explained

There’s nothing new here for our Lord. Palm Sunday is the moment Jesus enters Jerusalem to massive crowds ...


God uses ordinary people in extraordinary ways

Charles Swindoll tells of the remarkable experience of a B-17 pilot who flew a bombing mission over Germany ...


Legend of dogwood reminder of Christ’s death

The other day I walked up to a bank of azaleas and the place was buzzing.  Busy bees ...


Faith in resurrection of Christ changed everything

By Dr. Jason Thrower In “100 Mediations on Hope” by Wayne Lamb he writes: “In the midst of ...


Lent, Easter good times to create religious traditions

Easter is on the way, and practicing Christians across the globe have spent the Lenten season preparing for ...


Are you willing to surrender the key to your heart?

When I awoke this morning I asked myself, “What is life about?” I found the answer in my ...


What to do if our fears become reality

By the Rev. Ed Ganus There are times in our lives when we are beset with fears and ...


Weathering the storms during the seasons of life

Someone once described the seasons in Alabama with these words, “Winter is at 6 a.m., Spring is at ...


Lent is opportunity for spiritual spring cleaning

The season of Lent began this week on Wednesday. Though I’ve never attended a church that observes Lent, ...

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