Nancy Blackmon

Father/daughter event memories last lifetime

Where is it? “Under my bed is where I put it,” I say heading into my bedroom. “It’s ...

Nancy Blackmon

Expert has alien theories, writer does, too

So there is this one guy who thinks there are aliens out there, and not the ones our ...

Nancy Blackmon

Don’t give up hoping for snow this year

Well the snow that was expected was pretty much a no-show. A few flakes fell west of us, ...

Nancy Blackmon

Adults, not teens, at fault in harassment

This is a column I sat with, chewed on, meditated about and tried my best to find a ...

Nancy Blackmon

Don’t eat chicken from road? We needed that

Sometimes in the midst of news stories that make us want to shout in anger and frustration at ...

Nancy Blackmon

New Year brings 365 possibilities; slow down and recognize them

The old year rolled out as a new one raced in to fill the void. Sure seems the ...

Nancy Blackmon

If you squint, you might spot the elves

It is foggy this morning and that is just the kind of weather elves love. Sometimes, if I ...

Nancy Blackmon

‘Tis the season to fall in love with holiday

It’s the time of year when the world falls in love… I love that song, “The Christmas Waltz.” ...

Nancy Blackmon

Her calendar says ‘Christmas tree up’

My daughter walked into the room and with three words proclaimed the start of the Christmas season at ...

Nancy Blackmon

Can cheesecake give us point for agreement

My friend, Mark, sent me a message saying that for Thanksgiving dinner, he tried a cheesecake recipe I ...

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