St. Mary’s 5K is next weekend

The first Mardi Gras parades roll in New Orleans and Mobile during the second week-end of February 2017, and Mardi Gras arrives in Andalusia on the morning of Sat., Feb. 11, when St. Mary’s Episcopal Church holds its annual Rice and Beans 5K and fun run.

The event is a fundraiser for the church’s food outreach. On the third Saturday of each month, St. Mary’s distributes three pounds of rice and two pounds of dried beans, a loaf of bread, and a bag of canned and packaged staples to more than 100 families. Children who come receive a gift bag containing items such as crayons, puzzles, books, stickers, and raisins. No identification or paperwork is required.

Church members and volunteers also serve a hot, home-cooked breakfast to more than 150 people each day it is open for the outreach.

Everyone in the community is invited to bring some friends, put on their best Mardi Gras finery, run or walk, and then celebrate with a lunch of red beans and rice, cole slaw, cornbread, and bread pudding.

All those registered for the 5K or fun run will receive a DryGuard t-shirt with the race logo and a ticket for lunch. Additional lunch tickets may be purchased for $5 each. There will also be face painting and massage therapy available at no charge.

To download a registration form and get additional information about the race, please see the St. Mary’s website ( Registration forms are also available in the church lobby at 1307 East Three Notch Street, and registration is available on-line at For questions, please call 334-222-2487.

All proceeds help to feed hungry people in the community through the St. Mary’s Rice and Beans Ministry.

