Anchors help Pilots with pancakes


Top Pancake Sellers:  Katrine Christensen Madison Robbins (winner), Yun Min Lee, and Blakely Hammonds

Top Pancake Sellers: Katrine Christensen Madison Robbins (winner), Yun Min Lee, and Blakely Hammonds

Andalusia High School Anchor Club is a service organization sponsored by the Andalusia Pilot Club. The club strives to serve the school and community through various projects. Recently, they lent a helping hand with the Pilot’s Pancake and Sausage Breakfast. This is a longstanding Anchor tradition that they truly enjoy.

The Anchors started in November assisting the Pilots in promoting the annual Pancake and Sausage Breakfast with tickets sales. The Anchor that sells the most tickets has the honor of signing and wearing the apron the day of the breakfast.

This year’s top seller was senior Anchor Madison Robbins. She sold $273 pancake tickets. Other top sellers were senior Anchor Yun Min Lee $141, senior Anchor Katrine Christensen $136, and sophomore Anchor Blakely Hammonds $105. Overall, the Anchors sold $991 of pancake tickets, making this our best year selling tickets.

After selling the pancake tickets, the following Anchor members rolled up their sleeves and went to work on Dec. 5 helping the Pilot’s serve the community pancakes, sausage, juice, milk and coffee: Katrine Christensen, Megan Mullen, Taran Carrasco, Zaria Jones, Shelbee Mathews, Joy Ritter, Taylor Brown, Kennedy Smith, Jamie Browder, Grace Wilcox, Breanna Fair, Lexi Locke, and Erianna Davison.

This week’s Bulldog Bytes was submitted by Jane Barr.

Anchors Kennedy Smith, Grace Wilcox, Joy Ritter, and Jamie Browder.

Anchors Kennedy Smith, Grace Wilcox, Joy Ritter, and Jamie Browder.


Madison Robbins, winner, with Pilot Melissa King

Madison Robbins, winner, with Pilot Melissa King



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